
And who exactly may be seen driving around town in one of these?

And who exactly may be seen driving around town in one of these?

by 2016FordMustang


  1. The guy with wealthy parents that walks around with a rolleiflex camera and goes antiquing for typewriters on the weekends.

  2. SpiderMurphy

    A dapper looking elderly bachelor gentleman who writes detective novels that take place in the 1930s.

  3. One_Evil_Monkey

    Me if an early ’60s Morris Minor 1000 Traveler RHD was around where I lived.

  4. harbourhunter

    professor fauna of tincture enterprises

  5. RunninOnMT

    Traveling salesmen, traveling artists, really anyone who wants to travel.

  6. TheStaffsLad

    My Grandad in the late ‘60s, apparently

  7. theProfileGuy

    In the late 1990s I worked for a car garage in the north of England. We specialised in classics and performance cars. Listers, Ferraris, Rolls Royce, Americans, etc.

    When I started work my boss said choose a car to use (nothing daft). I chose a Morris Minor Traveller in duck egg blue as my first car. I loved it so much that six months later I was still driving it.

    I was probably the last person to register one as a company car!

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