Electric Vehicles

Volvo takes EX30 off sale as owners refunded over software issues | Autocar

Volvo takes EX30 off sale as owners refunded over software issues | Autocar

by nipcarlover


  1. Distinct_Spite8089

    Wow Volvo really has bombed their first dedicated EV vehicles between this and EX90 development hell.

  2. gnbuttnaked

    Speaking from experience, Volvo’s hardware quality is really good but their software is extremely bad. I won’t be getting another, there are so many software issues.

  3. CapRichard

    So… It’s really a chinese car then.

  4. flyfreeflylow

    Is the software specific to Volvo, or is it common to other Geely cars?

  5. bink_uk

    Putting everything into that touchscreen was so risky.

  6. scottrobertson

    As an owner, the car is fine. A few bugs to start with, but they are mostly fixed now. Just waiting for CarPlay and digital key. Both of which were said to be coming via ota and not promised at launch.

  7. disapparate276

    Dang, I was going to get one as my first EV

  8. DarkCells

    Totally clickbait article. The EX30 configurator has been down for a while as we wait for the MY25 year model to arrive (as they sell off their remaining inventory). There is no such source for it being related to a small portion of owners having severe issues.

  9. Party-Benefit-3995

    They are a car company not a software company.

  10. markeydarkey2

    Now that’s a misleading title, from the article:

    >Volvo has told Autocar that the EX30 has been taken off of its UK online configurator because a 2025-model-year version is due on 8 July. The firm insists the machine remains on sale, with examples currently in dealer stock available,and customers able to go to a dealer and pre-select an MY2025 version while the configurator is updated.

  11. Here in the US, it is 100% due to them deciding the EX30 vehicles shipped here will have to be built in the Ghent, Belgium plant. This is almost entirely due to the upcoming US govt tariffs that would be imposed on EX30cars made in China.

  12. mrallenator

    called my local Volvo for a refund on the deposit. Not looking good for this car

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