
The cops caught you speeding and turns the lights on….what would you want to be in

You gotta choose which of these you would take on a high speed you can’t pull over because the car has narcotics in the trunk.

by BreakNecessary6940


  1. BigBadBitcoiner

    A stolen Kia being driven by a 13 year old who plays too much GTA

  2. Boggnar-the-crusher

    Doesn’t matter I’m not turning a class c misdemeanor into a fucking felony wtf.

  3. Agreeable-Turnip-140

    The STI all day ill go places they cant

  4. Extra_Pilot_1992

    Is Toretto driving or is just for reference?

  5. alma2016

    70 Charger and I’m injesting the narcotics. It’ll end with me being mauled by a K9 or wrapped around a tree, but you have to live a little. People who comment and don’t play along are dorks.

  6. ideletereddit

    I was going to say G35 because my rational first thought was that it was which car is the least flashy/douchey and therefore the cop might be less likely to think I’m a hothead and give me some leeway. But if I’m running away, WRX because AWD to save my ass during tight maneuvers.

  7. kingpiranha

    STi, cos that means I have an STi idc what happens after I get one.

  8. Allawihabibgalbi

    Wow, some real salty comments for no reason here. I’m taking the WRX though, AWD + manual and I’ll feel extremely comfortable. Plus, I can go off-road.

  9. UnggoyMemes

    The 68 charger, I’d just admit to the weed tbh and deal with the consequences.

  10. Dwarven_cavediver

    We going wirh the classic charger. Am I gonna make it? Probably not. Am I gonna be caught alive? Hell no. I’m either getting thundercunted into a wall at mach-moses, or I’m gonna be the First Human to go 1 dimensional and merge with the metal of my car as I hit a wall. If I do make it however… well in a straight line I can’t be touched

  11. Annhl8rX

    I guess the WRX, but I wouldn’t feel great about running in any of these. If you’re gonna succeed in a police chase, your best bet is to get out of sight very quickly (before every cop in town is involved and the helicopter is looking). A sport bike is the best tool for that job. Haul ass as soon as you see the lights, change roads multiple times very quickly, and try to get the bike off the road within a few minutes.

    Another (much less likely) chance is to be a legit badass driver. I’m talking road course experience…not being some warehouse parking lot drag racing legend. You’ve gotta be able to change directions quickly and in succession while adjusting to the ever changing environment and whatever obstacles jump out in front of you. Being VERY familiar with the area would help.

    Finally, you might have a chance if you can take things off pavement. I don’t mean WRX off-road…I mean tear through a corn field to link up with a road on the other side off-road. You’re still gonna have to be quick about it though. A powerful pickup, preferably with 4WD might do it…if you don’t run into a hole or hidden boulder in the field and crash.

    In any of these cases, the smaller your chance of getting away becomes. More and more officers will get involved. Adjacent agencies will be notified. You’ve gotta make your move before any of that happens. Gain distance, break line of sight, and separate yourself from the vehicle in an area with many escape avenues on foot.

    Then you have to decide if it’s better to find somewhere to hole up or keep moving. Both carry a risk. Was the car yours? Now the cops have it, your plate, and your address. You can’t go home. Was the car stolen? You’re a little better off that way, particularly if they never got a good look at you.

    So…what you’re really got to do is make your decision before the flashing lights ever come on. Before the cop is ever in your rearview. Before you ever start the car that day (and potentially every day). If you’ve got a warrant for a high level felony, you might as well run. Maybe it’ll work. Anything short of that, though, it’s probably better to take your chance on the traffic stop. Remember…if you crash and kill somebody while running from the police, that’s gonna be upgraded to murder in many jurisdictions.

  12. Xerox-M57

    Doesn’t matter- I’d pull over like a regular person

  13. one_mind

    The classic Charger because when I pull over like a civilized person, the cop is most likely to assume the best about me if I’m driving a classic car.

  14. Fedora200

    3 cause I’m not gonna get arrested in a dorky car

  15. Thuraash

    The ’70s Charger, because the cop might let me off with a warning on account of the cool car. 

    The WRX gets you an automatic drug search. 

    The G37 gets you an automatic felony stop. 

    The new Charger gets you automatically shot.

  16. Koolaidguy541

    The srt is the only thing that would even have a chance 🤷🏻‍♂️

  17. Ragedpuppet707

    WRX being an AWD rally car is less likely to get stuck and can go places cop cars can’t.

  18. throwawaybottlecaps

    1. Take the Charger

    2. Consume all of the narcotics.

    3. Pretend you’re a police officer and try to pull them over instead

    4. Become convinced you’re a police officer, or maybe you are a junky. You’re confused, your sense of self is dissolving before your eyes. You flip the scanner off, or was it on?

    5. Retire to a rehab / farming commune were you mindlessly grow more narcotics, forever brain damaged but somehow happy.

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