
Modified Limo – Novgorod, Russia

Modified Limo – Novgorod, Russia

by rockystl


  1. tolerancetomsk

    When you think that stock PT Cruiser can’t be more ugly, they slap a carriage on it. Imagine arriving at your wedding in PT cruiser…

  2. SurreyHillsSomewhere

    Those carriage lanterns, inspired by Escape from NY

  3. ScottaHemi

    ok who gave the PT cruiser cab cancer…

  4. NocturnalPermission

    One of the funniest Reddit post I’ve ever seen started off with “People driving PT Cruisers, what brought you to this station in life?”

  5. TK421isAFK

    Since they came out, I’ve called these things the ‘Pity Cruiser’, but now it’s truly actualized.

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