Electric Vehicles

Tesla reports 443,956 deliveries in second quarter, a 4.8% decrease from last year

Tesla reports 443,956 deliveries in second quarter, a 4.8% decrease from last year

by Recoil42


  1. Recoil42

    A beat of consensus estimates, but a [decrease from Q2 2023](https://ir.tesla.com/press-release/tesla-vehicle-production-deliveries-and-date-financial-results-webcast-second-quarter-2023):

    >*Total deliveries Q2 2024: 443,956 vehicles*

    >*Total production Q2 2024: 410,831 vehicles*

    >*Tesla’s numbers beat Wall Street estimates. Analysts expected Tesla deliveries to hit 439,000 in the three months ending June 30, according to a consensus of estimates compiled by FactSet StreetAccount. The total number of deliveries in the second quarter was down 4.8% from 466,140 a year earlier.*

    Juniper can’t come quickly enough, but they’ll need more than that to re-attain growth.

  2. Beats estimates, rise QoQ, and more than double the amount of energy deployment they’ve ever done.

    But sure make a negative sounding headline.

  3. novadustdragon

    The good news is
    Maybe I can get into an EV sooner or they refresh their stuff sooner.
    Stock is still up 7% today as a Nasdaq holder idk how they are doing what they are doing

  4. silverelan

    Other OEMs are seeing big increases in their EV sales. Elon’s skills at being in the social media spotlight impact sales in both directions.

  5. CyberT3Rd

    So are they done growing? Slightly less than 2 million vehicles per year is impressive for such a new company but it seems they’ve hit a wall with their current line up of vehicles.

  6. ymjcmfvaeykwxscaai

    IMO the model y, their volume seller, hasn’t really addressed any of the issues of the people who actually consider it, and get something else.

    It’s still a relatively loud car, with harsh suspension, that’s limited in features compared to most modern competitors. It’s priced competitively but some people aren’t convinced by that when they’re spending 40k on a car.

    Juniper will solve those issues (and not create more if they would only bring back the turn signal stalk)

  7. tanrgith

    Some will focus on the yoy decrease. But these numbers are really good compared to what analysts were expecting

    And that energy deployment number is absolutely amazing. To put it into some context – https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRfAHqJXUAAcWWI?format=png&name=large

    Energy deployment will be having a significant impact on their earnings this quarter. I know the “they’re not just a car company” is pretty played out at this point. But this might be the quarter where it starts being hard to argue against that

  8. Thelonelywindow

    I can’t wait to see the model y refresh, it might be my next and first ev. Unless they increase the price of it :/

  9. RockyCreamNHotSauce

    Much higher than bears like me expected. Luckily there were early indications for shorts to get out of the way, like China and Europe registrations picking up in June.

    Important to keep this in perspective though. This beats early Q2 bear case only by 40-50k, and it’s very costly for Tesla, another round of price cut, especially the low rate promotion. One more round and Tesla will make negative margin on some trims.

    Since Tesla is not a car company, 12.4.2 should be more important than deliveries. FSD is getting dumber. Failed first drive with wholemarsblog and failed simple left turn with dirty tesla.

  10. Bookandaglassofwine

    >reporting that it produced 410,831 vehicles and delivered 443,956.

    So they produced fewer than they sold.

    How does this tie in with all those articles a few weeks ago with pics of overflowing Tesla storage lots which were seen as a sign of a huge demand shortage and over—production?

  11. demonkeyed

    I wish they’d build a minivan / small cargo van. Or a small non-cybertruck truck

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