
Which Hollywood Car Would You Buy ?

Bandit’s 77′ Pontiac Firebird , K.I.T.T 82′ Pontiac Trans Am , The Duke Boys 69′ Dodge Charger Or The 60′ Peterbilt From Duel

by Goober445


  1. RowdyJZ

    Of the ones listed. The general lee. And it’s not even close.

  2. Blaizefed

    Fuck all that noise. The bullit mustang.

    (Though if it has to be one of these, then the General Lee. And by quite some distance).

  3. ChuckFeathers

    ’69 Cougar convertible, Bond car from On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.

  4. HoosierDaddy_427


  5. Aggravating-Word6005

    Oh man, that is a truly thought one between the first 3, but it would have to be K.I.T.T for me.

  6. The Duel truck looks amazing for having gone off a cliff.

  7. Trainwreck071302

    Out of that list it’s a toss up between the general and the trans am. If I could have any Hollywood car? The Challenger from Vanishing Point.

  8. hawksfan692022

    General Lee but paint it. Never liked that look but love the car.

  9. Complete-Emergency99

    If it was like in the movie/series? Knight Industries TwoThousand, and it’s not even close.

    Late for work? Super pursuit mode.

    Blocked road? Turbo boost.

    Drunk? It’s K.I.T.T. I’ll get home.

  10. Sunday_Bloody_Sunday

    Gran Torino from Gran Torino

  11. dscottj

    My family still owns a ’77 Trans Am SE that we got way back in 1984. It last ran (as far as I know) in 2002 when my brother transported it from his in-law’s back driveway to the garage of his then-new home. Last I saw it, it was being used as an inconveniently shaped garage shelf. My brother swears he’ll resto-mod the heck out of it one day, but (again to my knowledge) that still hasn’t happened.

    I was its caretaker when he was serving in Korea from ’88 – ’90 and I was in college. He needed someone to take it off my mom’s hands before she drove it into the Arkansas river to spite my dad during a rather contentious divorce. My brother sent me checks and I had repairs made throughout that time.

    It wasn’t very stock even back then. The exhaust was custom and distinctly cat-less, so it had at least a few more horses than it did when it rolled off the showroom floor. My own efforts corralled many more that had escaped due to poor maintenance. It was our daily driver whenever my own ’74 Alfa Spider was out of commission. Which was often.

    They’re easy to live with and fun to drive, even with a 3-speed automatic. They’re definitely not the most sophisticated pieces of kit to go tearing around the mountain roads of Fayetteville AR where I went to college. But there was a huge grin-factor simply pointing it in the direction I wanted to go and stomping on the loud pedal. It’d either make the turn or it wouldn’t. It was a complete contrast to the ballet dance of hands and feet I used on my Spider. When it ran, as noted.

    The only real hassles were that this era’s F-body had a ridiculously small trunk and it could suck a dent in the gas tank if you got on it regularly. If I got gas mileage in the high teens, on the highway, I called it good. But the AC blew cold, girls were more than happy to jump inside it, and it was a silly amount of fun to drive.

    So yeah, this one’s easy enough for me.

  12. dale1320

    Steve McQueen’s Bullitt is the ONLY choice for me.

  13. If it worked like in the show, KITT, without a doubt.

    Otherwise, the General Lee.

  14. Total_Information_65

    3rd gen ‘bird with an LS dropped in. Prolly get rid of the dumb knight rider nose and put the factory front back on.

  15. stuartmt1

    The Plymouth Valient the Dennis Weaver drove in “Duel”

  16. joezupp

    I owned a 77 bandit edition already, don’t like the kitt body style, I WANT A GENERAL LEE and i drove trucks for 30 years so i can appreciate the duel truck

  17. Sensitive-Half-3542


  18. holy_bat_shit_63

    I’m taking the car that drives me around. K. I. T. T.

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