Electric Vehicles

Days After US Delay, Volvo Is Refunding EX30 Owners for Broken Software

Days After US Delay, Volvo Is Refunding EX30 Owners for Broken Software

by AccomplishedCheck895


  1. Dvthdude

    Damn. Nobody can build a car anymore. Charging more than ever for a products that are getting worse

  2. statenislander13

    I think it’s because technologies improve so fast every day that automakers rush in order to make what people like and profit out of it.

  3. this_for_loona

    You can’t expect to build a car completely around touch to save costs and then skimp on software to save more costs. I thought the Volvo CEO was smarter than this but apparently not.

  4. SerennialFellow

    This is what happens if you think Polestar team are idiots.

    They are some of the best engineers I’ve had the pleasure of arguing with.

  5. doluckie

    This story could be true, or, not really at all in reality.

    Hard to say for certain these days with EV news being piped from many less than familiar, hyperbolic, or might be anti-EV sources.

  6. AbbreviationsMore752

    Competition in the Chinese auto sector is extremely high right now. Everyone is trying to outproduce and underprice each other at every turn. Expect many hastily built, low-quality products from them. It’s not that they cannot produce well-built cars; they can, but their current focus is on affordability rather than build quality. The Japanese and Koreans also went through eras of such poor-quality manufacturing before. Perhaps in a decade or so, we will see a genuinely well-built Chinese car, but for now, it is what it is.

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