
Thoughts On The First Ford GT40 ?

This Is The 65′ Ford GT40 Roadster , I Wanna Know Your Guys Thoughts On It Because I Never Hear Anybody Talk About Thus Car . I Think It’s Cool What About You ?

by Goober445



    My personal love is the GT40 MkII with the 427 in it. I will never afford an original but maybe I can get a good replica someday.

  2. H8llsB8lls

    Went to the Le Mans museum just recently where they have, I think, a GT40 Mk I and Mk II nose to nose.
    The Mk II is so much more refined in design and finish.

  3. Longjumping_Drag2752

    One of the most beautiful cars ever made. A proper fuck you I’m gonna do it myself to Ferrari by Ford and I love it.

  4. Lonnification

    Fantastic cars if you’re under 5’8″ and weigh less than 150 pounds.

  5. ChuckFeathers

    Won LeMans and is widely considered one of the most beautiful cars of all time, pretty incredible machine.

  6. Frequent-Ruin8509

    Per Ford vs Ferrari, she needs better brakes lol jk

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