Electric Vehicles

Hyundai Ioniq 5 Sales Hit New U.S. Record In Q2 2024

Hyundai Ioniq 5 Sales Hit New U.S. Record In Q2 2024

by self-fix


  1. Percentage wise it’s a significant bump. But it’s hard to consider selling under 26K cars in the US in the first six months of the year a resounding success. Tesla sells more vehicles than that in one week.

  2. ron_mexxico

    What is the benefit of this over a Y? Any?

  3. sungazer69

    Love mine but also been seeing them everywhere here around LA. Pretty cool.

  4. slashinhobo1

    It used to be i was the o ly one on town with an ioniq 5 2 years ago, but now im seeing them almost as much as teslas now. I was at a fast charging station and saw 4 waiting, and though , I need to get a charger at home now.

  5. misterxboxnj

    Are Hyundai offering any discounts on these to compensate for no $7,500 Fed rebate?

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