Electric Vehicles

Rivian says no plans with VW to produce Vehicles [beyond software] with VW after media report on early talks (Unrelated to Scout)

Rivian says no plans with VW to produce Vehicles [beyond software] with VW after media report on early talks (Unrelated to Scout)

by bravogates


  1. FumelessCamper1

    Bummer. I want the Buzz re-imagined by Rivian.

  2. scottieducati

    I sure hope VW is still going to help them build the R2.

  3. moldyjellybean

    So this was just market manipulation? I can’t see why this would make the stock jump 30% and 50 billion in marketcap or whatever.

  4. Maximilianne

    Even if they were going to make a car, considering VW bought part of Xpeng and actually explicitly said they were gonna make a vehicle using the Xpeng platform and we haven’t even heard even a peepe from them ever since, the hypothetical VW/Rivian might as well be the tesla roadster

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