
A truck with a massive fuel tank

Trucks fitted with massive fuel tanks in early 90s in southeast Turkey, which were used to transport vegetables to Iraq and which were allowed to bring as much fuel as the vehicle’s capacity, free of tax (ie for about 1/4th of the price).

So, people just decided that their vehicle’s could use bigger tanks.

I remembered about these abominations the other day, from my dad’s trucking days, and searching on the web, I could only find a few pictures and a video (made by Nzar Kchani), from which I captured a few (low quality) snapshots.

Ps. This loophole in the rules was obviously closed later on.

by levenspiel_s


  1. DickweedMcGee

    Imagine crashing and puncturing one of those massive fuel tanks.

  2. DirtyDoucher1991

    This is a very high quality post , thank you.

  3. i486dx2

    At that point, was there any value to the vegetables themselves? Or were they basically fuel tankers that carried a token amount of veggies to satisfy the technicality?

    I would also imagine there was a significant personal safety risk to the drivers carrying a valuable cargo like that?

  4. TotesNotADrunk

    This happened to my dog when I had him neutered…

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