Electric Vehicles

Mustang electromod maker Charge Cars collapses | Autocar

Mustang electromod maker Charge Cars collapses | Autocar

by Poker_3070


  1. Suck_it_Earth

    A $450,000 electric 1967 Mustang? Can’t fathom why that business model didn’t work….

  2. chucchinchilla

    Classic cars where the engine isn’t a feature (VW Bus for example) are good candidates for electrification as you can improve usability without sacrificing what made it truly fun. A Mustang is definitely not one of those cars.

  3. AdventurousChain7335

    This was clearly a passion project that could no longer continue. They collapsed without delivering any vehicles.
    What I’m curious about is if they had any customers at all. Not sure how many people other than the company owner would want an electrified classic Mustang.

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