Plug-in Hybrids

Stellantis Dealers Don’t Want To SELL ANYMORE EVs! They Rather FULL GAS Vehicle Lots!

Stellantis Dealers Don’t Want To SELL ANYMORE EVs! They Rather FULL GAS Vehicle Lots!

Stellantis Dealers Don’t Want To Sell Anymore EVs! They Rather Full Gas Vehicle Lots! The EV Industry has been facing some heavy headwinds, the major Auto makers are Struggling while the Small ones find themselves fighting for survival. Stellantis dealers have felt the pain of trying to embrace the EV movement, and rather than continue to house 1000’s of Unsold EVs they now want to sell only gas powered vehicles or shut their doors. Dealers aren’t seeing the bright future for EVs that was once praised. So what will Stellantis do? Follow us as we give you the breakdown for Stallantis’ EV line and their options.

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