
You’re a Transformer that crash landed in a rural American town on Earth. You need a vehicle mode to get around in and these are your options. Which car do you scan?

You’re a Transformer that crash landed in a rural American town on Earth. You need a vehicle mode to get around in and these are your options. Which car do you scan?

by IndefiniteVoid813


  1. flibbidygibbit

    Do I need to remain inconspicuous? 2000 Dakota.

  2. premierbear5

    The Jeep Cherokee, that thing will last and you’ll blend right in

  3. Adventurous_Eye1405

    Either the Van or the Grand Marquis

  4. psyco187

    Im going for the 88 Ford. Call myself Rustbucket

  5. a_shitty_car_guy

    I’d go for the Celica, paint myself blue and call my self bluestreak.

  6. Moist_Muffin_6447

    97 Jimmy. It’s just so bland and average that you would blend in just about everywhere in the country.

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