Electric Vehicles

MotoMan asks if a BMW i5 is more expensive than a BMW 530.

First of all, I’m a fan of MotoMan’s videos. However, I don’t think it is an accurate comparison to use a 530 when the i5 is more similar to the 540. But I wonder what you are think about his opinions on EVs.


by imani_TqiynAZU


  1. ItsMeSlinky

    I like his stuff with Mazda, I liked his piece with Savage Geese where they pointed out how bullshit and insane car pricing is, but that’s about it.

    Dude’s deeply invested in dead dinos and pushes a lot of FUD.

  2. GarbanzoBenne

    I rolled my eyes when he made a big point about the extra weight of the BEVs without any other point other than being heavier. 

     I had to stop watching when he said the mild hybrid “is really what electrification should be about.”

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