Electric Vehicles

Canadian government to match U.S. tariffs on Chinese EVs — Toronto Star

Canadian government to match U.S. tariffs on Chinese EVs — Toronto Star

by Recoil42


  1. Recoil42

    >*HALIFAX—Canada will match American tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles and on heavily subsidized Chinese steel and aluminum imports, the Star has learned.*

    >*Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will announce the new tariffs at a news conference Monday morning.*

    >*According to sources who were not authorized to speak publicly before the announcement, Canada’s tariffs on Chinese EVs will match the U.S. level, which quadrupled in May, at 100 percent.*

    >*Ottawa also will move to match the U.S. with a 25-per-cent tariff on Chinese-made steel and aluminum imports, the sources said.*

    > *But the Liberal government is not expected to put further tariffs on other goods like semiconductors and solar cells, as Washington has done. Further public consultations on those are required, one official told the Star.*

    > *The announcement comes a day after a top advisor to U.S. President Joe Biden urged Canada to join the Americans and EU in imposing penalties on cheap Chinese state-subsidized products flooding global markets.*

    > *U.S. national security advisor Jake Sullivan encouraged Canada to consider Chinese EVs as not just an economic threat but as a national security concern.*

    > *“Canada will make its own determinations, but the U.S. does believe that a united front, a coordinated approach on these issues benefits all of us,” Sullivan said.*

    > *Sullivan spoke to reporters Sunday evening in Nova Scotia where he met with Trudeau and his cabinet — a surprise visit at the Liberal retreat — and ahead of a high-level visit Sullivan makes this week to Beijing.*

  2. LiGuangMing1981

    Total bullshit, but no surprise. Canada’s response to US requests to jump is nearly always ‘How high?’. 🙄

  3. HallInternational434

    The EU should also join this and have the same tariffs. The current EU tariffs are far too low

  4. philbui2

    Building factories in respective consumer markets is a novelty for Chinese automakers 😂

  5. JackfruitCrazy51

    Hasn’t China been providing support for 15+ years to these companies that are exporting their cars to North America? Would this tariff still be in place if these chinese companies produced their cars in the North America?

  6. GrillNoob

    “Canada government to tax consumers of Chinese EVs because reasons.”

  7. Specialist-Pool-2581

    Why are decisions like these that directly affect the finances of the common man, taken by governments instead of through a popular vote? The people of Canada should have a plebiscite to decide this.

  8. This is no surprise. GM, Ford & Chrysler have significant operations in Canada.

  9. IHate2ChooseUserName

    But canada does not produce any EV right?

  10. lostinheadguy

    It’s been widely speculated that brands like BYD were going to break into the US market via a “squeeze play” type strategy by flooding Canada and Mexico with imported cars… This kind of puts the kibosh on that.

    While it isn’t anywhere near as large as what is in the US, Canada **does** have its own auto industry to protect.

  11. CryptographerHot4636

    Good. Their country, their rules.

  12. gqstunning

    I am in Ontario. Due to our proximity to Detroit, many jobs in Ontario are based in the auto industry. Twenty years ago, that statistic was 1 in 5 people had a job that was related to the auto industry. In southern Ontario there are multiple battery large plants that will be coming online in the near future. If Chinese EVs took over, a lot of local jobs would be lost. I don’t like the decision made, but I get it.

  13. Little to do with the politics of EVs and more to do with the influence of western mega corporations and keeping the eternal rigged slot machine that’s western corporatism (no idea why to call it, just not capitalism anymore). The west is not allowed cheap anything unless it’s high disposable and profitable, like cheap plastic dishware etc. they won’t allow the western market to be spoiled with low prices, no matter what it is. 

  14. XKingGoliathx

    The american doesnt like the idea of savage capitalism…

  15. Specific_Way1654

    china exploits african resources meanwhile we get all the displaced africans

  16. mashmallownipples

    Gimmie a Chevrolet Bolt with a modern DCFC system and an affordable soccer van that roadtrips well.

  17. robotcoke

    I love how so many people are trying to spin this as a good thing for Canadians. If it was such and good thing, then it wouldn’t have taken a request from the Biden Administration for them to implement it.

    This is a bunch of crap.

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