Electric Vehicles

Analysis: The ‘glory days’ for global automakers in China are over

Analysis: The ‘glory days’ for global automakers in China are over

by skididapapa


  1. supaloopar

    Yup. Pretty much

    They’ve released new rules for next year: all ICE cars must achieve a 70mpg efficient to be sold in China. This pretty much excludes all EU/US ICE cars

  2. maporita

    What a shame these companies didn’t know about climate change and the switch away from fossil fuels. /s

  3. skididapapa

    SAIC group down 39% in Aug YoY

    Honda sales in China in Aug Down 44.3% YoY

    GAC also down in Aug YoY

  4. Exciting_Inflation36


    This is what happens when you spend years doing nothing to push innovation. Now Chinese companies are stepping in with competition, and that’s a win for us consumers! They are already doing great in Latin America AND Europe! Superior products WILL ALWAYS win

  5. cdofortheclose

    Remember when Kodak was a world brand? Yeah neither do I.

  6. tingulz

    Just like so many times before, the big players refused to believe they could lose out to new players in the market with shiny new tech. They were so very wrong and now they’re all scrambling to catch up. Will be interesting to see which companies are able to turn things around.

  7. pantalua

    The US will counter with a law that mandates no more than 10 miles per gallon. I call it the Hummerization of the Western Civilzation 

  8. diffidentblockhead

    These were mostly joint ventures in China.

  9. Dreaming_Blackbirds

    just like Nokia / Kodak, it’s 100% their own fault for not innovating

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