Electric Vehicles

Hi there, new BMW EV Owner

Hey everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself – I’ve made today the switch to electric and my first BEV is the BMW iX40. It’s been an awesome experience so far, and I’m loving it.

Looking forward to learning more from this community!

by fabianmarc89


  1. ZetaPower

    Congrats! It’s a surprisingly good EV….

    The front has grown on me, as in it’s not repulsive anymore, just ugly.
    I wonder how long before there’s an update? This one has been for sale a couple of years now….

  2. SnarkySlothyBear

    The 2024 BMW Woodchuck 🙂

    Good luck with the car, OP! i just can’t get past the front end.

  3. What-tha-fck_Elon

    Happy for you. Love BMW and the tech, but some of their new models are double baggers.

  4. fervidmuse

    Welcome! Love the iX and great paint color choice!

  5. L-Malvo

    Don’t listen to people being negative about its design, if you love it, that’s all that matters! Besides, those people never (test)driven a iX before, because if they did, they’d better understand why people buy/lease the car. I had the opportunity to take it for a spin and was amazed at how it handled in corners, given its weight and size. I’m not a fan of SUVs, but I do love how the iX drives.

  6. Cultural_Result1317

    Congrats on the purchase! I don’t know why people are complaining about the design – it’s one of the prettiest minivans currently on the market.

    Have fun with it!

  7. dailydoseofdogfood

    Looks snazzy, nothing like the feeling of a new car that you really like. If you’re like me, your friends and family will get sick of hearing about it soon lol. I hope one day to try one of Bmw’s EVs, I’ve put a lot of repair time on an X3, my last daily driver. Loved it but I lost patience eventually.

  8. VegaGT-VZ

    I cant lie, I have grown to love the way these look. I’m also a huge fan of the X5 and I’m pretty sure this is the EV equivalent so it has to be awesome. Congrats and enjoy!

  9. chronocapybara

    Certainly looks sexy as hell. How’s the software UI? Responsive?

  10. Operation-FuturePuss

    Sweet color! My wife and I both have the iX now. It’s fantastic.

  11. Appropriate-Mood-69

    Congrats! As an acquaintance of my says: new BMWs take a little while to get used to, but once you’re accustomed to the design, it’s wonderful. And I agree, as an i3s owner myself, I really like the iX and perhaps I’ll upgrade to one in 5 years or so.
    Enjoy your car, I’m sure you’ll love the EV experience!

    edit: Forgot to say that Blue Ridge Mountain colour looks fantastic on the car!

  12. ReflectedCheese

    I hated the looks when it first came out, but it really started to grow on me, even on a point I might consider buying a second hand one 🙂

  13. anthonws

    It was one of my options, but I needed 7 seats… So EV9 took the award.
    Have fun! I have EVs since 2017 (Kia Soul EV and now EV9) and I love it! To the point I don’t enjoy driving ICEs anymore :p

  14. adsantamonica

    I test drove this and it was impressive. I also think it looks OK in person.

  15. PhDinDildos_Fedoras

    It’s really good looking. But how do you make it look so small in the video. Irl it’s huge.

  16. rowschank

    Munich number plate. Do you work in BMW?

  17. Volvowner44

    I’ve got an iX 50 in the same colors, I love it in side and out. Just watch out for the armrests getting smudged if you get in dirty.

    Enjoy your ride!

  18. JamesVirani

    Knowing nothing about the car, I must say that door sounded really flimsy when it closed.

  19. Independent-Slide-79

    Sehr sehr geil! Very nice car my dude

  20. Lovis1522

    Better get those taillights fixed they are blinking really weird. /s

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