Electric Vehicles

Why Australians are buying EVs even if they can’t charge the cars at home

Why Australians are buying EVs even if they can’t charge the cars at home

by Latter_Fortune_7225


  1. Latter_Fortune_7225

    > A Climate Change Authority report released this week, underpinned by CSIRO modelling, found **transport emissions would need to drop to almost zero by 2050, with EVs making up 100 per cent of all new car sales**, to keep Australia’s emissions in line with restricting global warming to less than 2 degrees.

    While we have [experienced growth](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/mar/15/australian-ev-electric-vehicle-sales-data-rise-tesla) in adoption and charging infrastructure, far more needs to be done. Hopefully our state and federal governments will do more to increase incentives and charging infrastructure so we can meet that target.

  2. Open-Parsnip-1106

    Hopefully they are not supporting the antisemite, the one and only, Musk.

  3. reddit455

    moving electricity around using wires is not hard to do.. it’s the will to do it.

    YMMV literally from town to town. (state to state)

    from probably not legal DIY to government sanctioned solutions…

    what works down under will work anywhere else. all cities have lots of street parkers.


    **City Living With An EV: Charging Solutions for Those Without Driveways**


    # Solution #3: Public Kerbside Chargers

    Two schemes are currently running, aimed at increasing the number of AC chargers available on the streets in urban areas of New South Wales. Buy a lottery ticket if you get one in front of your place. For the rest of us, as EV numbers increase and owners start making noises, authorities will be forced to be more proactive.

  4. ttystikk

    Australia has amazing resources for renewable energy self sufficiency and EV ownership; it’s all about the will to build the infrastructure. It’s not even a terribly heavy lift.

  5. kongweeneverdie

    My tiny singapore buy EV and not charging at home too.

  6. kakatori

    it’s not a requirement to charge at home… do you fuel your ICE at home?

  7. Smackdab99

    Sounds like they are leaving their car to shop, etc.  nothing more frustrating than waiting in a line while people do their grocery shopping and the car is fully charged just taking that space. 

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