Electric Vehicles

GM and EVgo plan more ‘flagship’ EV charging locations (20 stalls!) in metro areas

GM and EVgo plan more ‘flagship’ EV charging locations (20 stalls!) in metro areas

by wgn_luv


  1. duke_of_alinor

    Great start, but going to need a LOT more than 20 stalls per station. Hopefully they plan for expansion and cheaper stalls.

  2. This is good.. I have a Kona EV which I love but the charging definitely gives me a bit of anxiety especially if I plan on doing long trips to less populated near by areas.

    I’m currently in a rental Tesla in SoCal and this is definitely one thing Tesla has a lead on. I have never got battery anxiety driving it. There’s chargers everywhere for Teslas. Even the engineers know this as the car won’t bug you about charging until you’re less than 10%. Meanwhile my Kona will reduce its power once it drops to 20%.

  3. Cecil900

    Too bad EVGo is charging $0.59/kWh where I am in TX. Their prices went up recently.

  4. chewyjackson

    I’m always happy to see more infrastructure but this was needed years ago. I still have yet to see the Ultium stations promised throughout Indiana that were announced…years ago.

  5. bradreputation

    “But pull through gas station style EV charging is impossible!”- some folks on this sub 

  6. SnooEpiphanies8097

    Nice. I used a couple of these EVGo/GM Energy Flying J chargers on I-81 when I was on a road trip and they worked great.

  7. perrochon

    Awesome, but 400 is a drop in the ocean.

    400 stalls is an effort driven by a marketing budget, not a strategic investment. That’s why the stalls will be pretty, with more money spent on canopies and and press events than on actual chargers.

    They need to ramp up their game. 20 locations isn’t even one per state. 20 stalls is nothing for a metro. They will be in iconic places, Malibu, Santa Monica, San Francisco, Miami, etc

    One other problem is also that both both EVGo and GM will take credit for this in their annual rollout reports.

    The leader added 6000 plugs last year in the US. They have some 27,000 right now (NA, not just US but the majority of these are US)

    Tesla even has 500 “open to all” stalls today, and 15,000 “open to NACS”.

    Tesla magic docks are few and far apart, but EVGo has only about double that number of DCFC.

  8. I feel like I’ve been sleeping on the Pilot/Flying J build-out. They have been popping up everywhere.

    On I-75 from Michigan to Florida, they have a station nearly every 50 miles and most are scored 10 on PlugShare.

  9. These larger facilities go a huge way to easing range anxiety as more people move to electric. I did my first longer distance trip from Austin to Houston in my Bolt this month and looking at plugshare routinely I’d see at high traffic times all chargers would be full

    But Houston also has a massive charging depot at the BP NA headquarters and just knowing that if all else failed I could make my way there

  10. NightOfTheLivingHam

    Cool, now make the prices match other EV networks. keeping prices on parity with gas prices is bullshit.

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