Electric Vehicles

China becomes the world’s first nation to sell over a million EVs in a month

China becomes the world’s first nation to sell over a million EVs in a month

by bbrk9845


  1. paulwesterberg

    For reference 15.5M vehicles were sold in the US in 2023 so we would need EVs to be at least 78% of new sales in order to see 1M sold per month.

  2. Admirable_Nothing

    China definitely is leading in the EV segment. Unfortunately in the US we will have a 100% duty on top of the cars price to buy one. But artificially supporting our huge legacy auto manufacturing industry even though it is inefficient is important enough to justify that tariff/tax.

  3. Vamproar

    Western car makers are so f$%ed. They had a decades long head start and they still managed to blow it.

  4. lobsterbash

    Wouldn’t it be ironic if it ends up being fuckin’ China that does most of the work delivering climate change solutions.

    Not that half the US would care anyway.

  5. thecheesecakemans

    BuT wHy cUt EmIssIOns? wHaT’s cHiNa dOinG?

  6. **PHEVs are included which have a share of close to 50%..**

  7. Bookandaglassofwine

    No one enjoys bashing their own country as much as Americans on Reddit.

    Two things to keep in mind:

    * the numbers reported for China include plug-in hybrids, not just BEVs per article

    * why are we talking about absolute numbers instead of per-capita when China has 4 times the population of the U.S.?

  8. Designer-Muffin-5653

    They have 1,400,000 customers. Thants more than Europe, the USA and Paraguay combined.

  9. Redararis

    Car industry disruption imminent and china is gonna be the winner.

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