
So I got a job at a used Japanese import car lot

And I’m gonna buy this Mitsuoka Galue (1998) from them. Everybody loves it and it rides like a dream. Looks like a rolls in the front and a caddy in the back. Thoughts?

by himsoforreal


  1. Trekintosh

    What is it underneath?

    And fucking go for it. 

  2. squidiskool

    That a Midget II in the background? 😮

  3. himsoforreal

    I feel like this goes without saying but it’s a right hand drive car like all of our vehicles in the lot. I’ve been driving it everyday for almost a month.

  4. himsoforreal

    Also if you zoom in on the station wagon in the back, that’s a skyline station wagon with twin turbos under the hood. Why? Because YES.

  5. vGrillby

    I love that stagea in the back. Just curious how much is it?

  6. muricabrb

    Any idea what’s the silver car in the background, the second one from the right (with the 4 round tail lights)?

  7. DS_Productions_

    I love the Mitsuoka. Honestly, absurdly one of my favorite car manufacturers as of late.

    *But is that a Nissan Stagea in the background?*

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