Electric Vehicles

The Auto Industry Finally Has a Plan to Stop Electric Vehicle Fires

The Auto Industry Finally Has a Plan to Stop Electric Vehicle Fires

by porkchop_d_clown


  1. ninjaface

    They’re shutting down Tesla?

    Edit: Haha.. oh I see some of Elon’s butt kissers are angry about my joke. Too bad. You should have spent your money not propping up a wannabe dictator who you think is a genius, but who is actually moron that got your cash.

  2. unibball

    From what I’ve read, a higher proportion of gasoline vehicles burn than the percentage of electric cars. Am I wrong? I understand that the fires are more fierce for electrics, but gasoline is more apt to explode in an accident and spill into a waterway or do some other kind of harm. Good that someone is looking for a solution.

  3. WhyWasIShadowBanned_

    Im still wondering why only Renault Zoe had Fireman Access:

    > The special access can be used to spray water right into the core of high voltage batteries used on electric vehicles to extinguished fires in less than 10 minutes, compared to the 3 hours it usually takes for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles from other brands.

    Was it just marketing? Did it not work in real life? Why is it the only car that had it almost 20 years ago.

  4. in_allium

    My understanding was that this was a Tesla Semi that drove into a tree, and that while this truck wasn’t pulling a trailer, Tesla uses their semis on this route to haul batteries back and forth (which will be installed in cars).

    A battery powered truck hauling batteries seems to be far safer than a diesel powered truck hauling gasoline that then drives into a tree, and the gasoline distribution system puts how many thousands of those on the roads every day?

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