
Is this a real cop? Why does it say interceptor?

I saw this. It looks like an official police vehicle, but I believe it’s a Jeep Cherokee and I don’t think they have interceptors. Also those things on the roof make it look official.

by Scoobert917


  1. AvarethTaika

    definitely not a cop

    you can just buy lights and badges and antennas and put them on a black suv.

  2. DJMagicHandz

    New York cops will use a Toyota Tercel as a cop car.

  3. FixTheWisz

    I’m not 100% certain, but I’d bet heavy on that being a personal vehicle that’s owned by a cop who drinks waaaaayyyy too much kool-aid. In the state of NY, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of [officers who make over $200k/yr](, so affording this Grand Cherokee and all the stupid shit that’s stuck on it isn’t a far stretch, as opposed to that of some wannabe cop/private security guard who makes minimum wage.

    Also, you know you can pretty clearly see the HDU-9591 license number in the reflection on your hood, right? 😀

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