Electric Vehicles

Californians Are ‘Ashamed’ To Drive Teslas

Californians Are ‘Ashamed’ To Drive Teslas

by SpriteZeroY2k


  1. topcat5

    Always bad business for a CEO to use his position to get involved in politics.

  2. SpinningHead

    Being a neoNazi is bad for business?

  3. CarlyRaeJepsenFTW

    gotta get the i hate elon bumper sticker

  4. THIESN123

    People are just emotional and over reacting.

    It’s not like he vaguely suggested that someone should assassinate the president.

  5. JoeyDee86

    I love my Tesla, but I can’t stand Elon anymore. Nearly all CEO’s are assholes, but most of them don’t make it obvious to the public. He’s taken it up to a whole new level.

  6. Lost-Jello1482

    Speaking up from Massachusetts and as a MY owner – me too. Sucks cause it’s such a good car for our life and so fun to drive. But, sadly, yup.

  7. Brusion

    I am not ashamed to drive my Tesla. It’s a very good car, built by a company of 100,000 people working to make electric cars the future. My only worry is that the gullable moron who is their CEO might drag the company down with him. Same goes for SpaceX.

  8. LankyGuitar6528

    Rightly so. Tesla, the car, was a pretty cutting edge bit of tech in 2014. Elon hasn’t stayed up with the times in terms of tech or society. Both the car and Elon are significantly outdated as of today.

    I will say that the charging network is outstanding. Of course he fired Rebecca Tinucci (head of the charger division) so I’m sure, over time, it will start to decline just as Elon has.

  9. apogeescintilla

    I’m glad my lease is ending soon and I don’t have to think about keeping the car or not.

    Can’t wait to get rid of it.

    My next car will not be a Tesla. I will even settle with a PHEV if no better EV options exist.

  10. chargoggagog

    Elon sucks, I’ll never buy a Tesla.

  11. MJS2757

    Has a CEO ever taken a brand down faster? Years ago, I was really impressed, now I question how I missed the mark.

  12. Physical_Aside_3991

    100% this. To think I felt ***so bad*** when Biden snubbed him from the white house ev meeting, or, when he teared up when Armstrong argued that SpaceX shouldn’t get funded.

    I couldn’t wait to get a Tesla. I regret every ounce of empathy I had for him.

  13. Jolimont

    Lots of other great EVs and many more to come 😊

  14. rainmaker_superb

    Knowing when to shut up is an important lesson you learn as you get older. Elon is one of the biggest examples of what happens when you don’t know that.

    I’m not gonna act like every CEO is a pleasant person. I’m aware not buying Tesla doesn’t only impact him, but the people that work for him as well.

    But yeah, a lot of the dirty laundry he’s aired out doesn’t really motivate me to want to buy one of his cars. Especially when there are feasible alternatives now.

  15. Lost_Purpose1899

    I drive a tesla but now I cheer for Tesla’s demise. After I’m done with this car I’ll move to another brand.

  16. Plantayne

    You’d never know it by pulling up to literally any intersection in Irvine.

  17. kagamaru

    I happily own an Ioniq 5, don’t even know the name of the Hyundai CEO and hope it stays that way.

  18. rjr_2020

    I have been considering a new EV. At this point, I’m not willing to risk the expense of this level on a vehicle that I think is somewhat of a chance. I don’t know what stupid idea or decision will come out of that brain tomorrow that might risk my investment. Therefore, while a MY might fit my needs, it’s completely off the table. I’m shocked that the BoD hasn’t muted him yet. I’m surprised that the shareholders haven’t sued him yet. He’s clearly threatening the value of the company with his shenanigans.

  19. StreetwalkinCheetah

    In Oregon but close enough. There’s at least 3 Teslas on my block. When I got my i4 one of them came over to ask about it and confessed under his breath “I wish I didn’t drive a Tesla”. He has a Model S and has for years, was the first on the block. Clearly Elon is harming his brand among people who used to sing his praises solely on his toxic twitter behavior.

  20. cmdrNacho

    I just leased a hyundai instead of another Tesla. I think in 2 years the EV market will look very different and a better time to make another decision around a vehicle.

  21. Weekly-Apartment-587

    Why do we not care at all in Norway? lol

  22. Time_Invite5226

    It is high time the board made a change. The cybertruck has been a disaster. He is toxic to the whole company and brand. Doing away with him would be a net positive. Only the internet fanboys and the suck-dong right-wingers who don’t know jack about EVs would view it as a negative. They would bitch about cancel culture without even looking at what is going on.

  23. filipinomarathoner

    Sold my Tesla in January – haven’t looked back since. Can’t stand Elon.

  24. No_Froyo5359

    Never once has anyone made me feel bad for having one. Not one liberal who is anti-Elon nor a conservative who is anti-ev. Do people actually have negative interactions with people about the car they drive or is it all in their head?

  25. tryingtolearn_1234

    Brand survey data seems to suggest that American Tesla owners maintain a positive perception of the brand; but American consumers have soured on the brand as Elon Musk has become more of a political activist.

  26. Artsakh_Rug

    No we’re not. I can’t help it if Elon is insane, or that my Tesla is amazing.

    That being said switching for the R2 once it’s available. Not because of Elon though, the Tesla is undeniable, but the Rivian is gorgeous too and I want something that doesn’t look like an egg

  27. HamburglerParty

    Based on the number of Teslas driving around Bay Area and LA, can’t say many are “ashamed” of their cars.

    This might be a too-online-white-guy kind of sentiment.

  28. The charging infrastructure is unmatched. Just because you drive a Tesla doesn’t mean you support that idiot Elon.

  29. pannerg

    Is there going to be a major drop in their Q3 California sales?

  30. Entartika

    in 2018 i was labeled a left leaning tree hugger for owning a tesla and now in 2024 im labeled a free speech maga extremeist. don’t care i love ev’s and i love every tesla i’ve owned. sure they have faults, every company does.

  31. phatsuit2

    Ah yes….great used Teslas very cheap…

  32. GroundhogGaming

    I love my (used) Model Y. Sure the service experience could be better, and I could use some chargers near where I work, but it’s not bad. I bought it *specifically* for FSD.

    Why FSD? Because I’m half blind. My right eye can’t see shit tbh.

    As for Musk, I could care less. If he lands in hot water or is thrown in jail or endorses the “wrong side” then so be it. That’s his problem. I do respect his ability to get things done though. I wish I had that.

  33. breadexpert69

    man I see so many white Teslas here in Los Angeles. By far the most popular car.

    So many “ashamed” drivers lol.

  34. XLauncher

    Fuck Musk, but I think it’s a bit much to feel *ashamed*. Teslas are cheap EVs for what you get. I avoided the brand on principle when I made my EV purchase this past month, but principles are expensive af and I’m blessed to be in a position where I can afford them. I wouldn’t fault someone for making an economical choice above all else. As long as you agree Musk is a dick, I have no problem with your car choice.

    None of this applies to Cybertrucks ofc, I’ll judge the shit outta those where I see them.

  35. spongesparrow

    Seeing more and more of the bumper sticker that says “I got this before Elon went crazy”

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