Electric Vehicles

Ford Loses $44,000 On Every EV Sells As It Switches To Hybrids

Ford Loses $44,000 On Every EV Sells As It Switches To Hybrids

by bbrk9845


  1. skspoppa733

    Somebody is really bad at their job if this is true.

  2. ThMogget

    I hope they learn how to make cars soon. I am not sure how a ten thousand dollar battery can make you lose forty thousand dollars per vehicle. [https://www.visualcapitalist.com/visualized-how-much-do-ev-batteries-cost/](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/visualized-how-much-do-ev-batteries-cost/)

    Surely they must be including initial development costs or new factory capital costs in there, in which case the only way to make that money back is to sell more EVs, not less… and much of that money is invested into assets that make money, not ‘lost’.

    You should be very skeptical of people who don’t distinguish between the cost to build the factory and the marginal cost of each additional unit sold. Jalopnik fails econ reporting 101

  3. redditissocoolyoyo

    And this is why Ford stock will always and continue to be absolute dog shit. But they make very nice mustangs though. And trucks.

  4. Desistance

     That number changes every article.   This is why they pushed all EV investments into it’s own thing, so that the can frame it as bad and backtrack.

  5. Fuck this yahoo article suggesting there’s “cooling demand for EVs.” Cooling demand for 70k, 7k pound behemoths.

  6. Devayurtz

    I wanted an actual electric mustang or bronco so badly. But instead I got the insanely expensive mach E. American legacy brand and all that – would have supported them in a heartbeat. Fingers crossed for the R2.

  7. InvisibleBlueRobot

    Based this math, the first EV each car company makes losses like $4b.

  8. Ok-Zookeepergame-698

    … because new factories build themselves. /s

  9. needle1

    Plug-in hybrids like the Volt? Or Toyota’s favorite non-plug-in hybrids?

  10. leadonNC

    Build EVs that people will buy. Build a focus hatch EV, for under $35k, and I bet sales would be 10x the Lightning

  11. totallynaked-thought

    Maybe if FoMoCo would reintegrate some vertical manufacturing of their vehicle’s ingredients they’d have better cost control especially when it comes to warranty repair. I’ve been a life long Ford customer and between their abysmal product support, poor quality control, and haphazard strategy it’s a wonder they’re still in business.

  12. thee177

    Cry me a river. Fuck every single one of these corporations.

  13. rproffitt1

    Maybe they will have BYD make it for them and slap the blue oval on for a small fee.

  14. sunny_tomato_farm

    This is the same story from like 3 months ago.

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