
Tony Curtis, Janet Leigh and daughter Jamie Lee Curtis at home with their 1959 Ford Fairlane 500 Sunliner convertible in 1960. Name the car to the right of Tony.

Tony Curtis, Janet Leigh and daughter Jamie Lee Curtis at home with their 1959 Ford Fairlane 500 Sunliner convertible in 1960. Name the car to the right of Tony.

by HWKD65


  1. spooky-noodle_88

    1956-ish rolls royce silver cloud if I’m not mistaken

  2. Jalopy_Junkie

    Not sure, but it looks very similar to Renault cars of the time.

  3. Mediocre-Catch9580

    I’m going with either a Rolls or a Bentley

  4. Salt_Cauliflower_922

    It’s a DeSoto. The last one rolled off the line in 1960.

  5. silverfox762

    I wanna say late ’50s Fiat. No idea what model.

  6. SuitableSpecialist85

    Late 40s or early 50s Packard

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