
It’s 1994, you have $15,000, and you’re looking for a compact, two-door 4×4 SUV. Which one would you pick?

It’s 1994, you have $15,000, and you’re looking for a compact, two-door 4×4 SUV. Which one would you pick?

by Key_Budget9267


  1. dobber72

    The Jeep Cherokee, they are genuinely my second favourite 4×4 ever. I love the way they look (especially the two door), I love the way they drive and I love how much character they seem to have.

  2. aaaaaaaa1273

    The Izuzu, no particular reason other than I really like it

  3. necrodancer69

    Suzuki Samurai, the only and one! ☝️

  4. The Jeep. I wouldn’t trust the person driving one of the other options.

  5. Raviolento

    I already drive a wrangler….but I always like that Samurai

  6. JeepPilot

    Am I using it for actual off-roading, or as an “around town errands and commuting?”

    Trailblazing I’d go for the Samurai. Those things are amazing with just a little lift and slightly aggressive tires. City use I’d go with the Tracker for MPG and reliability.

  7. i gotta go with the Geo, purely because I still see them on the road where I live… I might still see a 90’s Jeep here or there, but honestly not much more, and there were way more of those out there back then

  8. ElementalSentimental

    Have they invented the RAV4 yet, or was that 1995?

  9. vampyrelestat

    Cherokee XJ, younger me would’ve picked the Wrangler. I do like the Lada though NGL.

  10. DarkRajiin

    Xj all day. Currently have a 93 country. Would have loved to get it new! Before that, I had a 94 XJ. Granted, neither of them are/were 2 door

  11. SweetTooth275

    Jeep. Though what’s the point in getting a 2 door offroader

  12. heybingowings

    I might had a ton of pogs if it was 1994 and I had 15 g

  13. notthelettuce

    I’ll take the Geo as long as I can have a Barbie pink one like my mom had back in the day

  14. Wide_Performance1115

    Buddy of mine had a 1990 Geo Tracker…very much like this little Ute ecept it seemed to have a wider wheelbase. That little thing was unbeatable in the sand…just skimmed over the loosest sand dunes like a waterbug on water

  15. SteakCareless

    Cherokee, then Amigo, and then the wrangler. Assuming I can get stick.

  16. EinsteinRidesShotgun

    Anyone choosing anything other than the XJ probably shops at Kunkleman Chevrolet

  17. MadMaxine1985

    My favorite is the Lada Niva, it still has 1970’s looks in the current day but isn’t easy to come by in the US.

    I also love the Isuzu Amigo. I have wanted one for the longest time. When I think of 90’s MPV/SUV’S this is what comes to mind immediately and are more easily attainable where I am than the lada.

  18. peepers_meepers

    Its not on the list nor is it a 2-door but I would go for a Subaru Loyale

  19. Annhl8rX

    Buying new back then it would have been the Cherokee. If I was buying one now, it’d be the Wrangler.

    The Suzuki X-90 has always been my biggest guilty pleasure vehicle though.

  20. Ok_Annual_684

    A bit biased because I have 1, but give me the Jeep Cherokee 4×4 with the 4.0 engine.

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