
Am I stupid or is this just warped?

Got a new rear wiper blade, it’s the same as my old one it just won’t sit right. I can’t figure out if I did anything wrong here

by racer2k70


  1. akmjolnir

    Can you push the blade up to be concave vs. convex?

    The blade is supposed to be able to slide in the frame arms to allow for a change in the surface it slides across.

  2. thetoastler

    My last one looked like that for a while when it was new. Eventually it settled in, though it did take a year or two.

  3. MosaicSHIPA

    Just in case – if you want to replace the blade. I’m a big fan of the Bosch Aero-Twin-whatever…blades. I don’t get paid 😉 I just really like the product.

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