
You’re a rich business man in the early 2000s, neither driving (you have a chauffeur) or money really matter to you. What luxury car would you pick?

You’re a rich business man in the early 2000s, neither driving (you have a chauffeur) or money really matter to you. What luxury car would you pick?

by CockOTheRock


  1. Excellent_Rule9712

    Alpine because it looks like a basic 7 so it doesn’t attract much attention, and add armor plating)

  2. Bubbly_Positive_339

    Probably a Camry. I have very wealthy friends and they don’t flaunt anything. One dude drives an old odyssey

  3. canadian_bacon_TO

    Out of those, the Rolls. However, you bring great shame upon yourself by not including the glorious Toyota Crown.

  4. Much_Box996

    Is the beemer a long wheelbase? 760Li is good and most think it is just another bmw

  5. ItsyaboiIida

    Rolls all day if money isn’t really an issue.

  6. Comprehensive-Hat684

    3.0L TRD supercharged Toyota Camry

    Or an LS430 tbh

  7. blakliztedjoker

    I’d have to test the leg room on the Rolls and Bentley. If those were acceptable, I’d take one of those.
    But I’m kinda thinking my frame is gonna require the limo.

  8. davidwal83

    Rolls of course. If low key the Town Car.

  9. RileyMax0796

    I’d be rich, so I’d choose all of them.

    But if I had to choose, I’d go for the Bentley and the Rolls strictly based on absolutely nothing.

  10. PumpernickelJohnson

    Nothing says I have fu money like the landulet, it’s the only choice lol. The Rolls is acceptable if you need a slightly lower profile. If your not driving it doesn’t make sense to buy the Alpina or Bentley. The Lincoln looks like a car service a middle manager would higher for trips to the airport, embarrassing to real money.

  11. Smooth-Apartment-856

    I would pick a Daimler DS420 limo.

  12. Chanchooooo

    Bentley. It’s nice to drive, and nice to be driven in. Because I do like to drive sometimes

  13. B_Williams_4010

    There’s just something about a BMW that says ‘money, without class.’

  14. LincolnContinnental

    Town car, if it’s good enough for Johnny Cash, it’s good enough for me

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