
The Italian police employs 2 Lamborghini Huracan cars for fast emergency transport of organs & blood plasma (5472×3648)

The Italian police employs 2 Lamborghini Huracan cars for fast emergency transport of organs & blood plasma (5472×3648)

by abt137

1 Comment

  1. I am skeptic myself on the practicality of this. You can only drive certain fast in a public road/highway while risking to crash yourself with the traffic, and you can drive fast with many vehicles. Yes, the Lambo is cool as hell…but yet. Helicopters seem far more useful here, granted, sometimes there are not to many around or available but there are methods. Spain Healthcare Transplant Agency, for instance, has a hot line with the Spanish Air Force and it is not uncommon to see jet trainer or fighter at high speed incoming in a local airport.

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