
The year is 1903! You own a successful clothing factory, and you are choosing your very first horseless carriage to be chauffeured in down the streets of New York City. Which fine auto-mobile will be your choice?

The year is 1903! You own a successful clothing factory, and you are choosing your very first horseless carriage to be chauffeured in down the streets of New York City. Which fine auto-mobile will be your choice?

by hashgraphic


  1. B_Williams_4010

    You should always choose a Packard. Unless you can choose a unicorn. Then, choose the unicorn.

  2. One_Evil_Monkey

    Pfffft….. Da fuq….

    No 1903 Olds Curved Dash Model R?

  3. Ok-Salary-5777

    I’ll have the 1903 Cadillac, hopefully I can stick around until the 1940s so I can get the V16.

  4. Expert_Mad

    You see the interesting thing about all of these is they’re all equally terrible so you can’t go wrong.

    Of these I’d have the Cadillac but I’d really want an Oldsmobile Curved Dash (that Billy Murray can sure sell a car)

  5. Happy_Cat_3600

    Let’s go for the Benz. Let’s see what Carl came up with just before retiring from design.

  6. snatch1e

    I’d probably go with a Cadillac Model A. So luxurious!

  7. lord_bubblewater

    What matter of buffoonery is this, like I would be chauffeured like some dandy. I demand to operate the rennwagen on my own accord thank you kindly.

  8. twincitiessurveyor

    Probably the Rennwagen.

    Though, I’m not getting chaufeured.

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