
Why does Volkswagen think people want 17 cup holders?

I get this ad frequently. Is this seriously the best marketing they could come up with? 🤣

Or am I overthinking it?

by b787665


  1. Drzhivago138

    In a 3-row CUV marketed towards families, yes, the number of cupholders matters. Subaru does the same thing marketing the Ascent.

  2. AmericanNewt8

    Sometimes you’ve just got to *really* break open container laws. 

  3. Molested-Cholo-5305

    “Ze americans loves zheir cup holders, make sure to advertize zhis”

  4. Jjmills101

    When you can’t make the car good you have to find something else to talk about 🤷‍♂️

  5. Seeking-Direction

    To hold their Volkswagen Gewürz ketchup (there was literally a Volkswagen ”Gewürz ketchup” ad a couple of posts above this).

  6. Defiant-Giraffe

    Germans when they do things, don’t know when to stop. 

    Years ago, before most cars had any cupholders to speak of,  VW and Porsche were the last to reluctantly start putting them in. And they did it begrudgingly at first, giving you two flimsy little folding cupholders. 

    So they heard from customers for years how they wanted cupholders- and ignored them. 

    And then they started putting them in: but they still had the reputation of being the brands without cupholders. 

    So now they’re basically “you stupid fat Americans want cupholders for your Big Gulps and your stupid Starbucks milkshakes? Fine, here’s your cupholders. Drown in zem”

  7. WrongnessMaximus2-0

    Because driving through many large cities you’ll pass 17 Starbucks on a 10 mile trip. They expect that you will want to stop at every one of them. They know their audience.

  8. TheWaffleHimself

    “Haha guys, we’re so quirky, just like tesla, right???”

  9. bcredeur97

    I don’t mind having 4 cup holders up front. 2 for actual drinks, and another 2 for holding people’s phones and such lol

  10. Known-Diet-4170

    me who has never neded a single cup holder once

  11. sourgrapekate

    I think they’re trying to compete with the Japanese brands in all seriousness. Like how the Subaru Ascent has 19 cupholders. Or how they keep saying in the ads that a VW is cheaper to own than a Honda. Which is bs because I can’t take my VW to get repaired anywhere I want, I have to go to a specialist place.

  12. Nerdy_Fat_Guy

    I get very thirsty. You don’t know. Right now the four within easy reach aren’t enough.

  13. GaviFromThePod

    Because if you have kids, your kids need a million cupholders. Your kid has to have water. AND a sippy cup full of orange juice. AND a granola bar. AND a toy that they can’t go anywhere without or they’ll cry. However many cupholders you have, your kid needs exactly one more than that.

  14. iannadriveress6

    Because the Atlas is obviously aimed at those who have kids, just like Brian said in the Subaru Ascent review.

  15. Because it’s a family van made for US market and it just makes sense.

  16. Funneduck102

    I want 17 cupholders. I have a Saturn with 1.

  17. Strength-Certain

    My second generation Highlander had four cup holders just for the two front seat passengers and the ability to drop a water bottle in each of the door pockets in the front.

  18. Conspicuous_Ruse

    They know these type of vehicles are the modern era minivan and will be carting lots of kids so they load em up with kid friendly features, like excessive cup holders.

  19. Ok-Fox1262

    Doesn’t the 17 of cups indicate a disaster in your near future?

  20. thatvhstapeguy

    Clearly you’ve never spilled your Dr Pepper into the carpet of a Pontiac Sunbird because there are 0 cupholders.

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