
Is it safe flip these or am I just gonna be pushing my luck? I only ask because I’ve seen ppl do it with wires on the worn side.

Is it safe flip these or am I just gonna be pushing my luck? I only ask because I’ve seen ppl do it with wires on the worn side.

by AllmotorB18


  1. justin_memer

    And here I am feeling like shit anytime I unnecessarily wear down my tires doing a burnout, lol.

  2. s550markkk

    Hell na bro 🤣 that’s a fat ass slash on the side walls

  3. Remarkable-Ad9880

    Dog that tire has been done, you need a tires and an alignment


    You do know these are the thing keeping thousands of pounds at high speeds on the ground right?

    If you want to risk your life, and potentially the innocent lives of people around you sure.. drive on them.

    You’re just going to end up costing yourself more money when you damage more things than just rubber and probably the cost of a tow too.

    Tires are a wear and service item on a car, replace them.  You wouldn’t keep running your car without an oil change.. why do this..? 

  5. Hi_im_nsk

    why would you want to? with a bulge that size the cars gonna drive like a wheelbarrow never mind the slash in the side wall

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