Electric Vehicles

Salt water warning 😳

Salt water warning 😳

by Sir-Kyle-Of-Reddit


  1. Malforus

    Whoa that.. is going to have repercussions all over the place.

  2. Does this only happy when it is plugged in? 

  3. SpinCharm

    What does it mean to say salt water warning? Did it drive through salt water earlier? Was there salt water flooding into the garage? Did they drive by the ocean and it sprayed mist on the car?

  4. phansen101

    Salt water ~~conducts~~ is a pretty good conductor of electricity, if it gets in your battery pack then it’s effectively shorting it out, which generally ends badly.

  5. maglifzpinch

    Yeah, if you get flooded with salt water do not get an electric car, that’s basic physics.

  6. SyntheticOne

    Nuff said. Not buying a place on the beach!

    Perhaps Elon could return some of his recent multibillion dollar payday so that Tesla Manufacturing can install decent waterproof gaskets on its vehicles? It really isn’t space science.

  7. Suitguy2017

    Odd that the water isn’t even up to the undercarriage yet……..

    Edit: is this a Model X?

  8. Investman333

    Fuck now media is gonna use this to make EVs look bad

  9. blast3001

    Something about this just doesn’t seem right to me. The battery packs are sealed and I’ve seen countless videos of Teslas driving in high water.

    The lights on the garage door turn on at the same time the fire starts. It’s almost like there was a power surge or something. This doesn’t look to me like the fire started just because of the water.

  10. If it had been one of the Chinese LiFePO4 battery cars, it would not have caught fire.

  11. draken2019

    The way that flame puffs out makes me wonder if there wasn’t vaporized gas on the floor.

  12. isunktheship

    I didn’t know Teslas had internal combustion

  13. ReddittAppIsTerrible

    …and gas could do this at ANYTIME.


  14. silvrado

    Ugh.. Not a good look for EVs. That garage is a mess tho.

  15. PrinciplePrior87

    Have ya tried that experiment thatyou put a wire in water and a light bulb and plug it in then start adding salt it will cause the light bulb to start flickeand turn on i believe theres a video about it i saw it back in school in lab we got to do some experiments lolz before parents got there panties in a bunch of

  16. manitou202

    Honestly this doesn’t make sense that EVs are catching on fire after exposure to salt water. I know multiple EVs have, but all of their electronics and HV battery should be completely sealed from water. The only exception would be if the water was several feet deep and shorted something like the 12V battery.

    Yes salt water corrodes many materials much faster, but it shouldn’t be this fast. Think about all the salt used on the roads in snowy climates.

  17. Birdmonster115599

    This honestly looks like another example of poor Tesla quality.
    That battery pack should of been sealed well enough to keep water out, the fact it wasn’t means this car was a ticking clock.

  18. Consistent_Public_70

    In my opinion there appears to be some type of combustible gas/liquid involved in this fire. I don’t think that would be coming from the electric car, and salt water is not combustible. The electrical parts in the EV may have ignited the liquid and once the battery catches fire it will certainly add to the fire, but I think there was more danger factors than just salt water + EV.

  19. leftplayer

    How would you explain the garage door opener light lighting up exactly when the fire started?

    Garage door opener lights do not have motion detection, they normally light up when you open the garage door, so the fact that it lit up spontaneously indicates a power surge.

    Also the audio isn’t that clear but it sounds like thunder, but that may just be the Tesla arcing out.

    Either way, to me this indicates a power surge. The Tesla may have been hooked up to charge so a power surge, especially if it’s lightning, may have caused the fire.

  20. comoestasmiyamo

    FYI we have a saltwater flooded X in our workshop. We haven’t pulled the pack for testing yet but it has consistently not been on fire for quite some time.

  21. EuphoricElderberry73

    What year of X? Wasn’t the issue with S/X until 2017 – water ingress issues with the packs? Battery packs should be completely sealed and modern EVs have had recalls when packs are discovered to be non water tight (I.e BMW i4 had this recall briefly).

  22. I don’t live in that area, but streamed 10 Tampa Bay news to watch their Helene coverage. They mentioned repeatedly about the risk of EV fires, which had happened during other recent flooding. Thought it was maybe fearmongering, but apparently it’s a thing.

    Would seem to make sense for a seawater flooding test to be part of new EV model certifications. I’m not saying that it’s an easy problem to solve, but does seem like an engineering shortcoming. Think I had read that less than 1% of flooded EVs had an issue, so curious what is different in those cases. Maybe just the degree of submersion or something like that.

  23. LessSearch

    There are videos on YouTube about this Norwegian shop fixing Tesla batteries that were flooded and failed, and a common issue is the umbrella valves that lose sealing ability. I wonder if those valves play a part in this.

  24. EricAbmaMorrison

    Notice, flammable. Not explosive.

    Unlike petrol cars.

  25. Latios19

    The other day I commented on another post about this possibly happening and of course EV fans jumped to say this could happen to gas cars blablabla
    I was just mentioned I’m afraid of parking an EV in the garage and these people get all emotional about it…

    If I get an EV, I for sure won’t be parking it inside the garage. 🤓

  26. Lil_Miss_Behavin

    Ouch!!! If that happened to my Model-S I’d be devastated!

  27. Mod-Quad

    Water didn’t get into the battery enclosure, it shorted at the HV connectors. The main battery disconnect needs to be pulled in situations like this. Better owner education needed.

  28. Psychological_Fig377

    So the other many videos of Teslas driving through deep water, I’m guessing sometimes salt water and happily arriving safely on the other side is my imagination, Okay got it

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