Electric Vehicles

The ‘EV Slowdown’ Is A Lie. Global Sales Just Reached A New Record In September

The ‘EV Slowdown’ Is A Lie. Global Sales Just Reached A New Record In September

by shares_inDeleware


  1. Recoil42

    Fucking egregious that InsideEVs keeps pushing these insanely stupid headlines.

    Weren’t they the ones who just did a full EV slowdown explainer like a month ago?

  2. >>That said, sales of electrified vehicles in the European Union, United Kingdom and countries of the European Free Trade Association went down 4% in the first nine months of the year compared to 2023. However, things are slowly getting back on track, with a 4% increase in September.

    “there hasn’t been a slowdown for the last 9 months, because one month was flat”.

    This article has it all – EVs suddenly including PHEVs (what happened to “ThEy’Re NoT ReAl EVs!!1!!1”?), monthly sales contrasted with YTD sales, EV-only sales where it tells a happy story…

    I mean, I get that these aggregators are hoping that if they just close their eyes and pretend reality is biased for long enough, eventually things will get better for EVs – and things will improve, no doubt – but pretending there hasn’t been stagnant growth is only convincing to rubes at this point.

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