Electric Vehicles

Lexus, Toyota anounces FREE Revel fast charging for its customers in NYC, and coming to California. Limited to 3 years.

Lexus, Toyota anounces FREE Revel fast charging for its customers in NYC, and coming to California. Limited to 3 years.

by BigTimeRaptor


  1. … if we only had any examples of why this is a bad idea.

  2. BattleTech70

    Wow thank you for sharing this — I visit family in maspeth all the time and just got a bz4x

  3. UniqueThanks

    The Revel Teslas are going to get held up by all these slow charging Toyotas

  4. I imagine this is for all the ride share drivers who might want to take advantage of the cheap bz4x leases.

  5. bbrk9845

    By fast they mean an hour…
    Toyota can go F itself..

  6. fastheadcrab

    Lmfao a very local promotion and with the Revel stations in NYC already supposedly congested, it might not work out well

  7. Alexandratta

    …NYC being the least likely place folks would actually own a car, and those who do own cars do not fucking care about the price of charging…

    But yeah…. sure…. give the NYC buyers free charging I guess *shrug*

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