BMW M2 Cup – Nürburgring, Saturday.

BMW M2 Cup – Nürburgring, Saturday.

Foreign Hello everybody Welcome to the Nurburgring the third weekend of the 2023 BMW M2 cup my name is Chris Hartley and I’m going to be talking you through all the race action in this first race of the weekend round five of the championship uh for the first time pole

Sitter in the South African Layton Fury and we’ll have another first time posted after tomorrow’s race Colin burning house and but the weather as always might play A Part here at the Nurburgring for this first race of the weekend hello everyone so here we are at the Nurburgring very excited it’s the third

Race weekend of the BMW M2 Cup and the weather so far has been typical new book ring sometime in the morning now it’s dribbling with rain so let’s see what it brings and before we get talking to the drivers let’s first have a look back at

The Norris ring three weeks ago it was a crazy race [Applause] [Applause] the radio is connected Away we go BMW M2 cup from the Norris ring and the heads towards the timing line and the check and flag and wins at the Norris ring Justin so nervous thing obviously was a very challenging race track for the drivers but here also the Nurburgring is going

To be very exciting that’s for sure it’s all about uh challenging uh the drivers but also teaching them and they’re learning so much here as their young talents but the BMW M2 cup and also project one also actually feature they give a platform for new Innovations and

We’ve got Leon Ramen here Leon it’s wonderful having you here because you’re a student and you’re going to tell us about a project called zonenberg so let us know what is that all about yes exactly so I’m from Tim’s we are a student initiative who builds and

Develops solo race cars so other than the cars here we only use the sun to drive 3 000 kilometers from the North Coast of Australia to the South Coast only powered by the Sun so that is very impressive you think about it we’re talking about Mobility of the future now you just meant

Australia so what is that it about you said 3 000 kilometers without explain that again yes so the challenge in Australia means that we are not allowed to charge in between so we start at the start line with our battery field and we need to finish and in between we can

Only use the power of the Sun and then it’s not quite easy with the technique that we have today so this is why we need to develop a lot of new technologies and that’s what we do in our students Club all right well best of luck for that it sounds very exciting

Leon thank you so much and now we don’t have a lot of sun here so I guess the energy of the sun is not what we’re counting on now that’s for sure because now we’re talking about the BMW M2 cup and we’ve got Maxi terrillion here

Starting in P5 so that’s going to be a tricky race for you starting from P5 but uh I guess you’re going to push as hard as you can to do what to go to the front yeah I mean I don’t have a lot of experience in the wet yet it’s going to

Be my second or third outing in the wet pod I’ve I feel confident in the car and I would take this as a learning and try everything to get on the podium absolutely but I mean it’s been raining all day today but now it seems like it’s

Almost uh hopefully going to stay dry is that the expectation you guys have as well I mean the track is drying up for me wet or dry is fine uh I’m I’m now comfortable in the dry because of yesterday but yeah we’ll see well best

Of luck thank you so much and now we’re gonna head over to Santa van zolen who’s starting in p7 so let’s uh see how he’s doing in there I mean obviously the more you get towards the middle of the pack it’s going to be more traffic out there

It’s going to be more challenging so let’s see what he’s uh thinking about right now he’s trying to focus on the race something in your ear s talking now so I can understand you all right well what is it now I can speak to you okay excellent so starting

From p7 we don’t want to distract you too much but uh looking forward to the race yeah Fair uh yeah looking through the race set the naughty qualifying work I was hoping for so we’re starting p7 now and we will fight to the front and how tough is the Nurburgring

How tough is this race track yeah it’s a spherical difficult track it looks so easy but to write it so difficult also my first time that I read it so I will do my best and fight here also I mean these guys are all young talents and they’re trying their

Best they’re fighting really hard and I think also in front of the camera they’re so professional they get so much training here so hello there how are you doing I’m very good thank you looking forward to the race I guess you can’t wait to get started yeah we’ve been

Waiting for quite a long time now but it’s still a question if it’s going to be dry wet all right but what uh I mean basically this track is already very challenging uh I guess you’re hoping that it stays dry or what are your hopes no I would like it wet because then

Maybe there’ll be a bit more mixing between the top and maybe the back maybe I’ll do a little rain dance for you later on thank you all right well best of luck for the race and uh yeah I mean we’re ready to get racing that’s

For sure and looking forward to it uh so let’s do it let’s get racing and here’s your commentator enjoy thanks very much indeed Varina yeah the car’s on the grid we’ve had uh some rain some patches of rain it’s been coming and going all afternoon long really very different to

The conditions in which they all qualified yesterday uh yesterday evening it was pretty much the best part of the day and it was sunny and it was dry and they’re all on the attack but uh this circuit which uh tends to be a little bit slippery with the surface that it

Has anyway uh the slightest bit of rain and it can be pretty tricky so these cars all 325 break horsepower BMW m2s and the young field here with an average age amongst the grid of just 18 years of age we’ve got nine different nationalities represented and one of the

Key things about the championship is how even it is for everybody all the same cut so one make championship and they all swap cars each and every race weekend as well so in the week prior to the race event everybody’s name is drawn out of the hats and you get assigned one

Of the race cars so you might be in One race car one weekend A different race car at the next weekend each driver keeps their race number but they uh intercept between the cars to keep things even more even so it’s all about the drivers rather than anything else

BMW bring all the cars they provide with project one all of the uh mechanics and Engineers as well that each mechanical engineer stays with the car so that’s another key thing where the drivers will have to get used to giving feedback and talking to different mechanics each race

Weekend they can see the championship points updated after qualifying yesterday with Denny burnt at the championship leader he’s had two wins in a second so far this year but in the second weekend at the Norris ring a few weeks ago he only managed the 13th Place

Finish in race two so he’s only five points clear of Bart horston uh but yes single-seater ASAP the Australian driver who’s the only driver in the field with experience of these cars really coming back for a second season there’s a rookie championship for those in their first year of the championship and it’s

Almost exactly the same really as the main Championship because it’s almost entirely rookies this season with the exception of Bart horston uh so Five Points between them Senator van solo who you heard from the grid the Dutch driver there did one of the drivers that have

Had guest races uh last season uh but he’s in for a first full season he’s third in the championship on 55 points actually he’s equal third because also on 55 points he’s Max rosam so uh two wins for Denny burnt a win at the Norris ring last time out for barthon and the

Win for cinevan solar we’ve had four different race winners but it’s the driver fifth in the championship that will start this race uh on Pole Position Nathan Fury the South African driver there to the right of your picture in the yellow number 46 car getting his first Pole Position uh in the

Championship he actually uh competed in the final round of the championship at Hockenheim last year and a great effect finishing on the podium on his debut weekend and it’s been already twice on the podium this year third at OSHA slaben and second last time out of the

Norris ring so of course now he’s looking for his first race Victory uh great effort from him in what was a really Lively qualifying session yesterday I sat and watched it over uh towards the chicane uh far side of the circuit and the drivers really were attacking the kurbs there but all the

Quick drivers I noticed were attacking the first curve through the chicane but being pretty smooth on the exit to that uphill exit to the Vidal chicane at the end of the lap and that was where Leighton Fury gained his Advantage really but he wasn’t far clear of Colin

Bernigerson who’s going to start second on the grid today but with the driver’s second fastest lap time setting the grid for race two it’s gonna be the other way around tomorrow with burning house on pole position and furry starting second on the grid so Leighton leads them

Around it’s a slightly shorter race than scheduled because of the delay that we’ve had so 27 minutes plus one lap it will be for this race and they see the Grid on screen furry and burning Hazard on the front row of the Grid on row two

We’ve got Bart horston and Max rosam who sit down the championship a little bit at the Norris ring but we’re looking to bounce back then the third row of the grade you heard from Maximilian terillion who uh has Swiss Family Heritage but racist for Argentina lives

In Austria yambat yes is next to him Cena van solely heard from as well he starts at seventh on the grid one of the race winners this year and you also heard from eighth on the grid Julius Denise and the uh driver from Denmark Denny burnt the championship leader back

In eighth position on the grid for this one uh so ninth position rather watch him coming through common crab rounds at the top ten uh Robbie McAfee is next up 11th on the grid and uh Robbie will be looking to come through as well his first season racing in Europe and it’s

Certainly’s first time racing around the Nurburgring so the Australian would be looking to come through cloudy hanging alongside him loser Carla and uh guest driver this weekend Lucas Seidel are on the seventh row the eighth row is Luka link and Adrian ruchny and Alex Walker the reddish driver they’ve been going

Well this season just didn’t get a good qualifying yesterday so he’s the one at the back of the Grid in the red number 41 car another driver that competed in British Formula Four a couple of years ago as did the Australian Bart horsten and both of them now come back together

To race in this Championship the cars head off onto what’s going to be a second formation lap the reason being different track conditions than they had when they were out on the dry track in qualifying yesterday and there you can see on the rundown to turn one it’s

Still damp down there it’s a downhill run into turn one it’s pretty level until you get about 150 meters away and then the track drops away and it really drops the way through the apex of the corner it’s a slight gentle rise up then uh towards the left-hander at turn two

Through the Mercedes Arena into the almost camping at turn three and then you go through a right angle the right hand at turn four that takes you down to The Hairpin at turn five where you turn off the Grand Prix circuit so we’re not using the full Nurburgring track this

Weekend but the Sprint version of it at 3.6 kilometers long it is uh and then that first sector of the lap is more than half of the lap distance actually on half of the lap time sector two is the quick bit at the back through the left-hander it turns six Kumo curva

Through the right at turn seven the bit curve up and then building speed under gradual climb up to turn eight hats and box which is taken flat out and then it gets deeper and steeper as you get up towards the Vidor chicane the left and the right which follow and flow into one

Another it turns nine and ten and through the Coca-Cola curver at turn number 11 to complete a lap so they’ll come back to the grid and we’ll have 27 minutes plus one lap of racing Leighton Fury then the 17 year old from Johannesburg on a pole position he’s uh

Handsome race experience in South Africa but really front-wheel drive cars has been his backgrounds uh racing in the global touring cars super Cup Championship in which he won the title last year as the South Africa VW polo Cup champion as well something that uh that likes of Kelvin Van Der Linda have

A very successful DTM racer I’ve competed in in the past and record karting pedigree as well a counting Champion multiple karting champion and Regional champion in South Africa so he’s the drive out that starts on Pole Position there is Denny bent the championship leader 18 years of age from

Berlin and I could chat with him uh yesterday and uh he’s uh very very humble young driver actually and saying he’s really enjoying the whole experience the whole package that you get from BMW with all of the great media training that they give these young drivers all the great physical training

As well and tips and they get lots and lots of input there from a very experienced team at project one and BMW to help develop these young drivers who ultimately would like to go on to get up through the GT4 ladder and up to GT3 racing and following the light in the

Footsteps the likes of Marco Whitman a two-time DTM champion and a project One racer this year in the DTM so there they line up Colin Boney goes into the left of your picture who’s won pole tomorrow he’s 18 years of age from Hanover Porsche Sprint challenge Europe championed last year something very

Different for him this year and uh he’s first time racing here at the Nurburgring as well but he too was very much enjoying the circuit so the car’s lined up Chris Hartley in the commentary box overlooking the start Finish Line to talk you through 27 minutes plus one lap of racing here with

Round five of the championship about to get underway the first of two races this weekend and they have to write to the picture Leighton fury on pole position with Colin boninghausen and then right behind you’ve got Bart horston and Max rosam the green flag is waved we are

About to go racing the red lights will build the revs will rise they’ll go out in a moment and we will go racing here at the Nurburgring for the first time it’s a great start for Leighton Fury comes across watch for the number five as well of Max rosam he’s made a great

Start trying to come up the inside Bernie Garza on the back foot here he’s also got Bart horston coming around the outside of it it’s going to be Fury that leads and a terrific start from Max rosam the number five car from the second row of the grid briefly second

But he’s on the outside line and Bart horston into the left turn two he’s going to get past him and go straight into second place so good effort Good Start 13 is and he’s on the outside line here for the next left-hander and that might mean that Colin bolic hasn’t comes

Back at him we’ve got a couple off in the background in drama including Lucas Seidel and Claudia Henning clady’s got going again Lucas Seidel who’s a guest driver this weekend uh has been in the wars a little bit there through the run through turns one and two they’ve got to

Try and figure out how much grip is available to them the track will dry and dry it there to spin for the championship leader Danny bear loses the back into his BMW smokes the tires lights them up he’s got to wait for a gap in the traffic Claudia Henning comes

Back and he’ll rejoin right I’m afraid at the back of the field so season’s been great so far with those two wins that Podium at Norris ring but it’s been tough weekend so far for Denny and he finds himself on the first lap of the race right at the back of the fields

Leighton Fury a race leader uh going uh at the head of the field under attack now from Bart horse to do jazz shows his nose the Australian South African keeps him at Bay thud the curbs but miss that inside curve to get a good uh exit

And then behind them you’ve got Max Rose I’m in the number five car with a great effort from him at the start of the race Trillium a pretty good start as well that’s Alex Walker trying to come from the back of the field and already starting to pick up one or two positions

As they come towards the end of the first lap of the race it’s pretty much knows the towel here though as you can see between the top two there’s tenths of a second between then they go with the crest they’re going to this downhill run into the braking zone for turn one

Into the Mercedes Arena they will go it’s almost touching between uh the rear bumper of the race leader and the front bumper of Bart Austin in second but no contact good driving and they survive third place then Roseanne dead of fourth Colin burning house and they’re in the

Dark blue car with the yellow stripes down the side then a bit of a gap back to fifth with uh actually terrillion is there in sixth place Cena Vancouver in seventh Julius Denise and eighth probably McAfee in ninth is going to place or two and common crab in 10th

Let’s get a replay of the start and that run down towards the first Corner bone dry on the start Finish Line wet on the outside wet on the inside very tricky to try and judge as you all go hurtling into the corner and there we go number

Five Max of Roseanne with a terrific start which briefly sorry to go from fourth up to second to the end he tucked back in back to third it’s a low camera angle here showing the cars going up through the gears unleashing that 365 brake horsepower on the brakes and butt

Horse and coming around the outside using his experience to try and get the inside line for the next Corner left under which he successfully did there was the coming together between the white number 25 carve Luca Seidel and the number green number 23 car this weekend of Claudia heading so that is

Under investigation that incident uh Seidel got going again back in and in fact he didn’t side or didn’t get going again Henning did and that was the spin for the championship leader Denny bird who’s back in 15th Place as a result of that and I’ll wait for a gap in the

Traffic get the engine running but all the time lost now with a lot of work to do for him as the race leaders go past the commentary box over the start Finish Line to complete another lap and I’m afraid into the pit has come Claudia heading so Claudio’s had a couple of top

10 results already this year in her first season of the championship looks like this is going to be a disappointing result for her that’s the number 95 card Julius Denison who was one of the drivers that left it a little bit late in qualifying yesterday before he

Started getting good ties but he’s had a good start to the race he’s got the 24 machine of sennovan solar B Hinds and there is Luca Link in the number 33 car this weekend just outside the top 10 at the moment running in 11th place common

Kraft is in the number 19 cup and uh she’s looking for a best result of the season and a couple of 12th Place finishes at OSHA slave in the first weekend of the season one retirement I’m afraid at the Norris ring but a 14th Place finish and points in race two

There and lose the back end a little bit there as he got out onto the uh grass was the race leader Leighton Fury but he’s still got the raised lead he’s still got himself a couple of Carlin’s Advantage this battle for second place though he’s about to spark off with Max

Rose and coming for buttholes to lay it side by side uh Bart still got his nose in front the white uh number five car of Max Rose and though he’s got the inside line he’ll go through he’ll praise the inside here they’re still gonna be absolutely flatter as they go through

Turn eight up the hill the first part of the chicane is the left-hander that’s going to favor Bart horse then but Max Roseanne does not want to give up two he’s not going to fit into one yes some Eric does great driving great respect between the pair of them I don’t think

There was one bit of contact between those two drivers and they’re still side by side as their butt holster tries to get on the inside here to get that second play face back sliding wide there on the damp stuff is Max razam and back through into second place comes by horse

And that was a terrific battle behind there’s a big scrap going on as well uh four six so fifth sixth and seventh place is Matthias has got into fifth place in the 57 car ahead of torillion who’s dropped just behind him in the 58 car and then Cinnabon solo eighth Luke

Links just cut to ninth Robbie McAfee in tenth place is up there as well the top 15 all-score Championship points in each race and there’s a bonus point for the fastest lap of the race and qualifying you get bonus points if you’re in the top three and there Max Rose I’m losing

Out after all of that to Colin burning house and who’s uh not had a great start to the race off the line but has kept in there and the dark blue number 55 car because Max Rosen was on the back but after that long battle with Bart Horst

And split the fight up so he goes back into a Podium pain position Max razam in the five car drops back down into you at fourth place now I just have to try and regroup now and try and get himself back in the mix if he can

And all the time they’ve got to figure out what’s happening with the track because there’s no rain and that track is only going to get drier and potentially more grippy it’s very loose there for horse than those he makes his way out of turn seven Max rosabi’s already coming back with Colony bony

Guys we’ve already seen what’s out Brave he is into the chicane he’s 18 years of age uh from Wiesbaden he’s flashing his light till he’s about to get that place back through he comes gets the job done but then has to go off of the grass there through the chicane in fact

They’re both running wide one on the inside one on the outside Max rosami’s there just about though when they get into the Coca-Cola curve and it’s a bag ahead according bonig as he goes all of this is massively helping out Leighton Fury who’s suddenly going to have

Doubled his lead there he is in the yellow 46 guys three seconds clear now the number 50 Bart horse then and then it’s still side by side look for third because coming back down the inside is Colin burlinghausen terrific stuff it was absolutely chuffed a bit he came back yesterday after qualifying in

Second today and then pole position for Tomorrow based on second fastest lap times uh family and friends giving lots of cheers and he was really pleased with that and I think you’d be really pleased with this battle here but you get a bit wide look you get a bit loose you get

That damp stuff and you run wide and it’s gonna swap again Max rosam gets him back on the way out of turn three into this right-hand direct turn for what a fantastic battle this is so Roseanne back into third Bernie Carson in fourth but horses got away from them now in

Second place of course because he’s just been getting on with his own racing lines and breaking points and not have defend off anybody so he’s now edged away in the number 50 cup the old man of the series at just 21 years of age uh lives in toaster in the Northampton

During the UK but uh was born and raised in Sydney Australia at Bart Austin there let’s see if we can catch the race leaving now he’s got plenty of time in which to try and do that still 18 and three quarter minutes to go plus that

One lap what’s the time runs out through the first sector 53.5 for Fury and 53.5 for horseshood as well but Austin was 57 000 slower so there’s this move Rose I’m at the inside but ties in means you go wide out and then once he got into that

Wet grass looking bats over the curbs it all got a bit of Tidy in that one and uh then this was the one where it really went wide and squarely and up and over the grass he went cut in the corner a little bit about a horse and adding the curb just ahead

Like a couple of two wheels calling burning house and was neater into the corner but then he ran a bit wide coming out of it great battles into overtaking each other three or four times already side by side through the Mercedes Arena as well but giving each other room and

Respect and that’s really good to see with these young drivers who want to win but it’s good if they’re do it in the right manner so Leighton Fury is checked out he’s 3.7 nearly 3.8 seconds clear his last lap was a 145 too a 145 9 for Bart horsten

Still see off the racing line how damp it is I’ve had Robbie McAfee dropping down the order on that last lap as well from 10th down to 13th in the number 22 car and a bit of Bodywork hanging off the front right side of Robbie’s car as well

So he’s lost places to come and craft number 19. Alex Walker going pretty well from the back of the field to 11th now in the red carp and Denny burnt there you can see in the yellow number eight car all three of them getting past this Robbie McAfee on that previous lap it’s

Robbie’s birthday yesterday and uh so celebrating yesterday but a tough race so far today to the back end of the cars dancing out be a little bit of time management in these fairly long races as well for the drivers to consider and Denny Burns got plenty of pace here and we’ll slow down

The grid then we have come to expect this year in eighth position and then of course at that moment on lap one in the pit I am afraid we’ve still got the 23 car of Claudia Henning uh in the pit Lane but here’s Denny Birds looking to

Come the championship leader as high up the order as he can side by side with Alex Walker and he’s going to go through but he’s going to go deep into the corner he’s going to go all that grass which is wet we’ll lose traction it’s uphill the exit as well so they’ll do

Well to keep Alex Walker behind him Alex knows there’s a chance but the door is closed just in time and then he burnt although it wasn’t the ideal racing line through the chicane has managed to get through and gain that position so one more place gained up to 11th place now

That’s five points instead of four of course sennovan solo who’s his closest Championship rival he’s well not massively at the road but he is ahead of him he’s at scoring game center currently running in eighth place there’s only five points between them Danny Burke goes very deep into the

First Corner there’ll be okay I think because he’ll be on the inside line uh we’ve got a drive-through penalty for causing a collision for Cena vancirl although the driver at second in the championship so he is gonna have a drive through penalty and he’s going to plummet down the order replay of Denny

Burnt getting up the inside of Alex Walker but then running out of Roads taking to the grass keeping his cool though and not getting on the power too early but it was a bit slippy slightly very bumpy on that grass through there as well to control it actually

And Alex Walker losing the place up to 11th for Denny burn it’s going to be up to 10th and of course Swenson comes in to serve his penalty he’ll drop to the back of the field Denny will gain another place up into ninth so to the recovery drive so far that’s

Where zami’s third in the championship he’s third in the race and contact there beats her body work and bumper hanging off the back of the number 58 car of Maxie torillion so that’s uh walking wounded at the moment he’s Beyond seven and they’re right behind the pair of

Them in the 95 car is Julius Denison but that is potentially a hazard and unless it detaches itself sometimes with a rear bumper dragging like that might end up with a technical black and orange flag and he has to leave their own with bits of Bodywork hanging off like that it’s

Also going to slow him down he’s dragging the car behind him as he goes over the start Finish Line uh so the number 58 cup dropping down to seventh behind Center van solo and potentially about to lose another place here to Julius Denison who’s alongside him and

The Dane he’s about to pounce I think under breaking to get that position and there wasn’t a great deal that terrillion could do about that to Denison gains a place here and yeah that bumper looking a little bit precarious so Julius Denison is another one that’s come up from the single-seater

Background a Danish formula 4 champion last year gaining that position up into seventh place now in the white purple and pink number 95 cup and there is going to be a black and orange flag I’m afraid for Maxi to really on that’s just come up on the

Screen it’s coming on your screens now and uh yeah that that contact there body were flapping around the bumper half hanging off we’ll be able to rejoin the race once the terror off as long as the officials are happy with the state of the car but of course

He’s going to drop and plummet to the tail of the field so dramas here in this race plenty Nathan Fury no problems no dramas leading the race by nearly 4.2 seconds now from Bart horsten but but only 0.3 of a second clear of Max razam So Max in

The number five car there he is he’s on to the tail of the Australian so razam in a good position here at racing the adac GT4 championship last year in a BMW last year’s champion of BMW M2 cup Maxi most and racing in a BMW in the GT4 Cup this year

In the German GT4 Championship very good job as well uh 12 minutes 47 seconds left on the clock this is the battle for second place about horse and doing his best to fend off of the bumper has become detached and Cars 8 and 41 have been asked to

Change positions that’s bad been asked to give the place back to Walker because he cut the corner at the chicane I suspect when he came through tries you might to stop the car so frustratingly for Maxi turillian he’s been given a black and orange flag but

Now the thing that he was being black flagged for was actually detached itself but a bit too late so very frustrating for him they’re in the background looks like that was where Alex Walker got the place back as well given the place back by Danny Byrne so

Alex I’m to tenth place now as the results of all of this Drive through penalty coming up for Center van Sula as well so he’s going to gain another position potentially so Alex Walker doing a good job here and here we’ve got the change of position that has happened now with Max rosam as we rejoin them ahead of uh horsten so he

Caught him he got onto the towel he’s got passed and he started to pull away now so as I’m into second place but the safety car is coming out I would imagine that is because we’ve got that body work that Bumper in the middle of the track

On the exit to the chicane at turn 10 in a as you can see very precarious position so looking up to the heavens rolling his eyes no doubt in the car is Leighton fury because he’s built up this nice 4.3 second lead and he’s going to evaporate

To nothing now with Max razam and Bart horston right behind him Colin burning has him in fourth and Matthias in fifth and at the moment in sixth place so safety car I think it’ll be a fairly brief one I’m looking good here in terms of the championship Front Runners Denny burnt

Is trying to make his way back at the order outside the top 10 at the moment who’s second in the championship behind Denny bird he’s in trouble and Max Roseanne is going great guns in second place he’s on course to pick up 18 Championship points

And to to close the gap at the moment Denny burnt is running in 11th place we’ll only give him five points uh so uh so that is going to be 13 points the difference between them as the bumper is recovered and there’s only in the main Championship Five Points

Between uh sorry Denny burnt is 63 points so maximum he’s 55 is eight points between them so he’s gonna move ahead and that’s an unusual way to bring it back but it’s done the job uh the rear bumper on the roof of the safety uh team’s car and being held on there and

So it will be a quick recovery this it will be a very brief safety car and uh if you’re just tuning in don’t worry this is uh not scrap yard challenge this is a recovered rear bumper being brought back on the roof of the car being held onto by the safety

Team here who’ve recovered it from the exit to the chicane which is why the safety car has come out bunched everybody up with less than 10 minutes to go and the safety car is coming in on this lap well the message coming up on the screen was that cinnamon solo was being asked

To serve a drive through penalty for causing a collision as far as I can see he hasn’t served it yet he’s in sixth place uh their back out is actually to really on with a slightly lighter and misshapen BMW that really bumper having been detached and there is somebody who’s not

Really been involved in the race after the dramas on that one unfortunately for her Claudia Henning getting caught out there uh with uh Lucas Seidel and out of the race for Claudia as I say it’s already picked up a couple of top 10 finishes this year right here we go

Restart about to come nine minutes plus one lap to go Layton Fury looking for his first win in the BMW M2 Captain his first season of the championship but that’s Roseanne behind him also he’s looking for his first win this season he’s had two seconds and eight third

He’s looking to move into the championship lead potentially and behind them he got Bart Horst and at the more experience driving his second season of this championship and he has been a race winner this year and he’s second in the point so he could move into the

Championship lead as well is that white ghost Cena van sirlo on this restart run through the Mercedes Arena section this tight infield section A little bit of undulation there as well as they come through the left turn three into the right in a moment at turn four so enough drivers like Alex

Walker Denny Byrne trying to come up back up the order here with everybody batched up behind them Louisa Carla running in the number 13 car in 14th Place back onto the tale of everybody thanks to torillion It’s Only just gone over the start Finish Line in

The uh perhaps on the window of the commentary box so unfortunately because it was a short safety car he wasn’t able to get back onto the pack and the Argentinian driver will now think have a fairly lonely run to the checkered flag right Denny burnt next Target for him I

Mean uh dispatched again of Alex Walker is to try and get onto the town of Carmen crav that would be for Ninth Place this battle so I’ve been on a charge I think fury on horse for a win Max Roseanne and Bart horsten are both going

To move ahead of Denny Burns at the moment in the championship standings Denny Holston of course he’s the one that’s slightly ahead he’s three points ahead of Max Roseanne at the moment but he’s points behind him on the on the race because he’s 30 16 points 18 points

Coming the way of Rose amp so there’d only be a point between them and they would be the top two in the championship off the top of my head maths here both of them moving ahead of Denny burnt with fart horse and Max Rose I mean and Denny

Bird I think as the top three as it stands but there’s a lot still to be decided in this race for seven minutes to go and Leighton Fury Now with uh a car in his mirrors and that car is number five driven by Max Roseanne looking for his first win bat horse and

There as well a bit deep bit wide into the first Corner goes Leighton Fareed South African closes the door just about in time at what again there is the second of the yellow cars of the current Championship leader Denny burnt still going side by side with Alex Walker

Still just ahead of him but it’s a four-way battle for the lead of the race there because Colin burning house has got in the mix as well foreign drivers all looking for their first win in the BMW M2 cup and anyone that has been a winner that’s in the mix is but

Horsley One Last Time Out Here Comes Back to the Royals and those on the outside he’s gonna be careful not to leave the door open at turn five to Bart horston just got a good exit those slingshots out flashes the lights touring car style says look at me look

At the lights in the mirrors and tries to distract the driver from looking ahead and tries to distract them from missing their turning point or Breaking Point tries to unnerve them as well and settle them and at the moment Lane Fury is equal to it but we know Max Rose and

He’s Keen to have a goat that she came quite often I’m gonna toe up the hill as well for he knows what’s coming so he’s going to hog the inside line here Max is committed to the outside line is he gonna go for it is it going to be remove

The boat to fit through yeah he tucks back in behind that’s a very holds the lead second place Roseanne Third Place Austin Fourth Place burning gas and catching them up a little bit is in the 57 car and here they go nose to tell once again into the Coca-Cola curver

Burning house and looking tight there Mateus has caught them up now as well hasn’t he so it’s a five-way battle for the lead of the race so you have a test in the number 57 car joins the party with just over five minutes left on the

Clock plus that one lap at the end of all of this the chat driver in the mix here nobody making a move just yet Jan had a guest appearance at the Norris ring last year in the middle of the Season very hot weekend is it always

Tends to be at the Norris ring and finished sixth place in one of the races on his debut weekend and uh yamateas they’re running at the moment in fifth place he has been the podium already this year really good weekend actually at the nursery with a third and a sixth

So look for incoming forwards in this race from fifth place I bet Leighton Fury can’t believe this he was way way ahead and then the safety car came out it was all on his own it was all easy and comfortable and now he’s got a fend

Off not one not two not three but four cars all trying to snatch the race Victory away from him so this will test his metal as I say in South Africa a proven race winner a proven Champion so he’s gonna take that experience bring it with him

And the yellow number 46 car will try and keep ahead but although the track is drying out and it’s getting a bit grippier in that sense because the tires are being a bit more worn now the cars are a bit lighter so they’re a bit looser so you’ve got to take that into

Consideration as well and you’ve seen one or two of the cars running a bit wider more often sixth and seventh goes together as well 95 genius Denise and then 33 Luca link then he burnt eighth at the moment Senator van Sula has served that drive through penalty now so

He’s dropped down to 14th position a rather batters number 22 Robbie McAfee Carr there in 11th place but gaining a place as did Adrian originally as did Louisa Carla because Senator vanilla had that trip into the pits to serve his drive-through penalty so the driver third in the championship

Back in 14th Place now only on course to pick up two championship points just under three and a half minutes left on the clock it all Constantine is up at the first corner but not leaving the door open not making any mistakes not inviting trouble Nate and fury continues

To lead the race but coming at him now on the run out of turn series towards turn three he’s Max rosamic shows his nose Max Bumper to Bumper with a race leader they’re both looking for their first win their Maiden victory in the championship and Max the number five

Guys also got a bit more of a gap behind him now to Bart horse and that frees him up to try a couple of different racing lines doesn’t have to look in the mirrors and defend his position quite so much so through the Ambit at turn five

They come canning off the Grand Prix circuit lady got the tires he’s late and fury as he unleashes all the horsepower drifting out of the corner it was spectacular it was well controlled but it just shows now these cars these tires getting harder and harder to manage in

The latter stages of the race so still he has Max Rose and breathing down his neck two tents between between them over the line it’s more like a tenth of a second now as they go through the right-hander and at some backs and head up towards the Vidal chicane is there

Going to be an opportunity here probably not Leighton Fury is good on the brakes here clatt is the inside curb smooth on the way out of the second part of the chicane gets them the gas continues to climb uphill and continues to pull away there’s Danny Burns trying to pick up

Some late positions as well from eighth position currently on course for eight points that would move him on to 71 Championship points Leighton three is on course for the win and 20 points that will bring you on to 73 points so it’s all tightening up isn’t it and then as I

Say Max Rosalind Bart Boston are going to move LeapFrog Denny bird as well I think so that’s going to be certainly actually the top four covered by just a few points at the end of all of this fastest lap point at the moment belongs to celeban solar so he’s got that extra

Championship point I think looking at the screen uh with the best lap of one bit 44.212 now tell a light 144 208 just slightly quicker four thousands quicker than late and fury his best laps I think he’s got the fastest lap Point coming his way yes he has so 21 points coming

The way of Layton if if he could hold on to the lead of the race because Max rosami’s pushing hard now it’s settled down behind hasn’t it it’s almost it’s looking dark out there to have the lights on uh just because the skies are a little bit more overcast than they

Were at the start of the race but it’s quite atmospheric out there now almost a day to night race it feels like an attacking again is Max rosan there who let the car uh run wide and carried the momentum coming out of turn six got pretty close on the way to turn seven

He’s just trying to weigh up his options here where is the weakest point on the lap for my opponent where can I find a way past Leighton Fury where can I put him under the most pressure 30 seconds left on the clock they are going to do

Two more laps in this race because the clock will still be ticking when they get to the sky Finish Line he went zero out uh so it’s gonna be close I think but uh they will have to do one more lap at the end of the next one it’s gonna be two

Laps to go unless they get to the line and the clock ticks out to zero uh that’s gonna be the case I think they’re about to get there Layton Fury goes through over the line yeah eight seconds to go so one more lap at the end of the

Next one two to go two laps for Azam to try and find a way past and get a raise Victory the cars twitching and dancing under breaking as they hit the brakes at the 150 meter Mark into the first turn trying to avoid that patch of damp on

The inside uphill climb slightly into this left under it turn two back onto yourself down it drops in a little bit on the way into the next left Android turn three that’ll almost go straight away into the right hundred turn four it’s like an s-bend section here wind

Your way up and head out up through the gears let the car drift as wide as you’d air breezing past those bollards but not getting too close to them and Layton Fury continuing to lead the way as he goes for the penultimate time into The

Hairpin it’s a lap and a half to go this is the battle for the lead of the race this is the battle for 20 Championship points and whichever one of these drivers wins the race assuming one of them does that’s going to be our third different winner of the Season Denny

Burnt with two wins but horse them with a win Center van solo with a race victory so here they go nose to tell they’ve got they jump on everybody else they’re pushing each other hard here really hard there’s a great battle you can see Leighton looking in the mirrors there

Checking the uh outside mirror the passenger mirrors he comes into the braking Zone doesn’t leave a gap doesn’t invite trouble from Max rosam doesn’t tempt him into a move no opportunity for him to come through it’s great defensive driving this from the race leader he’s covering off the lines but he’s not over

Defending which means he’s still pretty quick coming out of the turns so there they come over the line in a moment onto the final lap of the race Leighton Fury doing absolutely everything right so far a much more stressful second half of the race that he might have anticipated when

He was four nearly four and a half seconds up the road but he’s ticked off one of the key spots key overtaking spots and he’s kept Max Rose and behind him at turn one so that one’s done turn five The Hairpin might be another danger zone and then probably the chicane will

Be the last chance for Max to get through but we’ve seen him showing his nose at other Corners as well we’ve seen Max being pretty bold pretty brave at that she came earlier in the race as well the battle that he had that long long battle that he had with Bart horse

Then so here we go running a little bit out wide there she’s trying to carry the speed trying to get on the throttle as quick as he can to get close enough to attack he’s not close enough at the airplane that was always going to be a

Bit 50 50 anyway it’s the next run up that’s the key one a bit ragged over the curves for Leighton Fury coming out him is Max rosam it’s going to be tight when they get to that chicane whereas I’m again that’s the card drift out why can

We go to turn six shows his nose at turn seven there’s almost contact between them but he stays just behind the two drivers on the absolute limits here as they take the car to the edge of the circuit our gate absolutely flat chat up towards the chicane for the final time

Leighton Fury with I’m sure an eye in the mirrors but he’s also almost there now into the braking Zone he goes left he goes right he’s still ahead still breathing down his neck is Max rosam one more corner to go Layton Fury understandably goes a bit defensive so

Max Rosen will try and swing back at him he nudges the South Africa through the corner they are totally nose to tail they come out of the final turn the checkered flag is being waved and Leighton Fury is a race winner in the BMW M2 cup a great drive a great race

And a great victory that was fantastic racing second place goes to Max Roseanne uh just three tenths of a second behind but they were Bumper to Bumper through that last quarter uh Bart Holston comes home in third place uh and that’s his third Podium of the Year fantastic race

That had to wait a while for it with the delays from the red flag of the previous race but I tell you what it was worth the wait that was a cracker so Leighton Fury hats off well done you take the win uh you don’t take the fastest lap point

Though because Cena van Sala got quicker later on albeit back in 14th Place he did a slightly quicker lap one minute 44.102 so he’ll get at least the point out of that uh late in Fury though I don’t think we’ll be too bothered he’s got the win he’s got the 20 points

And uh after the weekend at the Norris ring which saw him retire from race one that’s just what he needed a race win the knocking on the door and he had to work hard for it Max Roseanne uh 10 out of 10 for trying he gave it absolutely everything even to

The death to the final corner but it wasn’t quite enough either surely he’s going to be race winner between now and the end of the season that’s his fourth Podium of the year now and Max has had more podiums than anybody else so just that one retirement at the Norris ring otherwise

Podiums in all the other races great drive from him after a great start to the race as well you’ll remember so there confirmation after 17 laps 27 minutes plus one lap of racing Leighton Fury becomes a race winner at the Nurburgring Max razam in second buttholeston in third place uh Colin

Jamie burning has an in fourth position yamateas in fifth then Julius Denison comes home six Luca link seventh Danny band in eighth place where he started which is kind of okay really given he was at the back of the field on lap one uh Alex Walker ninth from the back of

The field good effort Carmen craft in 10th Place uh coming through as well to pick up her best results of the season so far so well done to Carmen probably McAfee 11th Adrian rushny was 12th Louisa Carla 13th standard van solo after that run through the pit Lane with

The drive-through penalty 14 but with the fastest lap of space and the unfortunate Maxi tarillion who drove well but had that damage to the bump up to come into the pits to get that scene too there in 15th Place at Bart horsted by one point moves into the championship

Lead Leighton Fury and Max Rose Aber both on 73 points they’ve all just moved ahead of Denny burnt but look at that three points between the top four in the championship Even Stevens racing that is what we want Lake Fury Taps the roof of the car and

He’s pumped up because he’s a race winner he gave that everything and it was a real battle as well I’m sure he would have liked a nice calm quiet second half of the race but actually probably more rewarding to win like that because it was a terrific battle wasn’t

It and uh but Austin that cheers him on Max Roseanne very tall driver as you can see there Smiles all around they enjoyed that battle I really enjoyed that it’s great to see the camaraderie between these young drivers as well and they’re Leighton taking the balaclava off and he’s a terrific young Talent

And I’m sure that’s not gonna be the last time that we see him coming home as a race winner not just in the BMW M2 cup but in the future as well you always remember your first race victory in the championship that’s his first of course International race Victory as well

Having been a dominant performer in his own championships in South Africa but uh well done late in Fury we do it was gonna be pretty good when he got that Podium at hawkenheim right great race let’s get some reaction to it down with Varina in the pit Lane and

Here we’ve got a very happy face congratulations Leighton for you did a phenomenal job I mean before the safety car you had a good Gap ahead and then a good advantage and then the safety cart and then it got closed so how tricky was that in the end yeah in the beginning I

Pushed really hard and uh I made a may have overheated the tires a little bit but the Gap was there and I said okay now I can keep calm and then I saw the safety car board come out and I was like oh no you know this is going to be a

Whole lot harder than I wanted it to be and then yeah the safety car came in and uh I got a decent start but the rear tires were quite overheated uh on the the last stint so it was quite tough but yeah I tried to manage it and Max is

Super fast behind me so I just really tried to keep him behind us and the defending was good so yeah but after all this hard hard work and hard luck we finally are so very happy you did a phenomenal job thank you so much and enjoy the moment and we’ve got Max Rosen

Here hello there big man you’ve got to be happy with your second place yeah I’m heavy with second but first one even better so I was wearing here at Laden but nowhere to overtake him he was defending very good and so it’s P2 you were pushing so hard you made his life

Very very difficult yeah I think so I think it was a little bit faster but as I say no way to overtake him but he did a great job Max thank you so much and then we’ve got one more man here we’ve got P3 in that bat that’s bad horse and

Hello there well congratulations um unfortunately uh from P3 to P3 so you couldn’t make up a spot but still you’re second in the championship so so far it’s going really good right yeah uh pretty happy with that race I I’m really happy with how I did just um obviously

I’ve got some work to do in these conditions because uh Max and Leighton were a bit quicker than me today but um no really happy and uh Ollie and Hendrick have been on my car where the car’s been super so it’s just a case of

A few tweaks and trying to go for the win tomorrow I’m just gonna say tomorrow’s a new day new race kind of push radio I’m gonna do everything I can I’m already doing everything I can but I’m just gonna learn and uh take what I’ve learned from this race and apply it

To tomorrow all right well best of luck and now do enjoy the moment on the podium so back to the commentators thanks very much indeed everyone a great job to catch up with our top three there and uh yeah good tier from bar horse and

Always uh pushing on uh as I say yeah a single seat of background really over the last few years raising Britain in things like the GB3 Championship the brdc Formula Three championship in British airform which you finished a very respectable fifth in the 2019 season the year the Zayn Maloney won the

Championships ain’t now racing in the FIA Formula 2 uh Championship uh I’m from Australian Formula Ford originally but I did do some Tin Top racing in the fiesta Championship Bart horston right running up then on to the uh Podium he goes and third place to Bart horston from

Australia at second place to the German driver Max Roseanne and there’s going to be a huge smile on his face because representing South Africa from Johannesburg a race winner in the BMW M2 cup Leighton Fury climbs up to the very top of the podium oh huge congratulations to your top three

And in particular to your race winner so now we’ll get the the podium presentation and the trophies underway hugely proud moment that for Layton Fury with the South African National Anthem playing here at the Nurburgring his new favorite race track in the world no doubt

Uh so uh the uh podium’s on the way and uh presenting the race winners that’s what the third place trophy is going to be uh Cornelius Bernhard from the Sun and wagon Arkham team doing that great uh 3 000 kilometer race across Australia in October are all powered by uh solar

And doing a great job there Axel fanca he’s gonna present the second place trophy he’s a representative of the BMW M2 cut that goes to Max Roseanne so we bought horse and a Max Rose I’m now with their silverware uh it should be Marco Whitman that’s going to present the

Winners trophy to Leighton Fury there he is the two-time DTM Champion a real role model for these young drivers uh representing project one of course in the BMW M2 cup gives the winners trophy to the fourth different race winner of the season Nate and fury all the drivers

Get these special uh shoes as well gold silver and bronze for the top three uh from uh Melvin lamperty’s company Paul own Originals these great trainers that they get to keep which is a really nice touch there’s Christina calling there it’s after all the media for the championship presenting those two uh top

Three drivers they’ll pose now for some photos and they’ll be itching to get that champagne underway they can enjoy the moment but an early-ish start for them tomorrow and they’re racing at 10 20 tomorrow morning we’ll be there 10 minutes before that to bring you all the

Build up and all the coverage to their second race of the weekend and what will be round six of the BMW M2 cup at 2023 and we’ve gone in Birmingham as an on Pole Position tomorrow so a great moment for the young drivers there to have a

Hero of DTM a legend of DTM racing Marco Whitman alongside them everybody up on the podium for a photo in the slightly fading light here at the Nurburgring this early evening race and they’re gonna go for the champak course they are Max rosam’s already at

It Leighton Fury was a bit slow Off the Mark there so he’s got absolutely splattered there from either side from Max Rose Emma Bart Horst and everybody else runs away because of his height advantages there Max is able to tip the remains of the bottle of champagne down

The neck of Lake Fury which is gonna be horrible and sticky later on but as I say you won’t care I’ll get the spare race suit out we’ll head to the dry cleaners and it’ll be back in Action tomorrow for the next race so a fantastic uh fantastic battle that

Was wasn’t it between our top two got the rookie Championship as well which is uh to consider now but hosten’s not involved in that but of course having just missed out on the overall Podium on a burning house and will be promoted to third in terms of the rookies so Fury

And Roseanne the top two overall are the top two rookies at pulling burning house and the fourth place finisher will be the third place rookie as well so super tight in the championship three points between the top fours and other 20 points 21 points to fight for tomorrow

If you include the bonus point for the fastest lap and then of course we’re only halfway through the season at the end of this weekend we’ve got the lazitz ring coming up in a couple of weeks time then the wonderful Saxon ring on the 9th and 10th of September and then the

Season finale is going to be at the superb Red Bull Ring a Grand Prix track of course out there in Austria one of my if not my favorite place to go and visit on the calendar and that’s gonna be a couple of weeks after the Saxon ring on

The 20 3rd and 24th of September so it’s actually a fairly busy run home for them now it’s been a bit more spread out for the first three rounds of the championship but it all comes out thick and fast once you get to this stage of the season and actually to think about

It in what six weeks time we’re gonna have the championship concluded but it is beautifully poised isn’t it after that race so I hope you’ve enjoyed our coverage from me Chris Hartley Farina and the team that’s it from the Nurburgring see you again tomorrow Oh

Round 3 of the BMW M2 Cup at the Nürburgring.

#BMWMMotorsport #BMWM2Cup

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