24H Race in FUJI Press Conference

24H Race in FUJI Press Conference

Foreign well I would like to welcome everybody at the venue of this uh 24-hour race in Fuji press conference and from early morning you have gathered here thank you very much so booking racing is going to use Liquid hydrogen for the very first time in the world but this press

Conference key message is not that we will have a separate session about that from 5 30 of course we have different groups during the session that we will be providing there are two main sessions and all of you are welcome to attend both of them and of course this press conference is a

24-hour race uh same as a super endurance race category of course and one is going to celebrate the 100th anniversary so we’re going to have the press conference commemorating the 100th anniversary we have members of the head table thank you I would like to introduce president of Toyota Motor Corporation codisato and from

Is the incoming president and CEO and then um is the Secretary General of the sto executive office and we have from France all the way SEO Automobile Club I practiced my French pronunciation here is Chairman Pierre fion thank you for the Applause of course we will continue on with this press

Conference with these four members as the head table members please have a seat first of all um chairman fion did I do okay with a French pronunciation well thank you perfect well you have arrived here in Japan just last night are you okay with the jet lag

Just throws three at first three in France but it’s okay for me well I think you joined morosan at the gym space right in in the hotel yes yeah German film was actually riding a spider bicycle it’s wonderful you both of you are in good condition physically and so first

Of all without further delay here is Chairman fion ladies and gentlemen I’m delighted to be with you today just a few hours before the veggies to protect 24 hours goes green Fuji is undoubtedly one of the favorite race tracks of the FIA World on the world championship team um

We share many areas of interest and many values and beliefs that are important not just for motor support but for mobility in general foreign will celebrate his 100th anniversary in just a few days time in two weeks exactly and this Centenary is a landmark in Motorsport history and in motoring story 2.

Many Innovations have been tried and tested at Le Mans before being developed on an industrial scale and used by millions and millions of motorists Toyota has made a massive contribution to this research and development Mazda 2 with its kind of rotary engine the Centenary will celebrate your

Contribution to the 24 Hours of Le Mans and it’s very important for me to emphasize the parts you have played in our history you have helped write the 24 hours of lemon story without you our rest would not have this Heritage today human foreign team will shortly be battling against

Many Challenger in the high Parker class looking to take home the exclusive Centenary trophy the 2023-24 hours of lemur promises to be a sparkling occasion both on and off the track foreign foreign of Japan has been crowned as a champion for the first time representing matsuda

Here is Mr Moto of course thank you very much to the members of the head table for inviting me to this special oppress conference and I’d like to also extend my sincere congratulations on the 100th anniversary to the month to chairman fion of course it’s the very top of the

Mountain it’s the Pinnacle of Auto or mobile race vis-a-vis the Motorsports and I have a full respect for such occasions and of course for matzah it’s a very special place we’ve been you know training trying to enhance our technology in the Quest for uh you know achievement

In races of course uh there’s this much Yamamoto the late King’s Awards of uh tireless efforts of challenge is inscribed In This Storm Monument of course that it’s dated June 23rd 1991 it’s the day actually when matsuda has achieved the championship Pinnacle in Oman with Matilda 787b and of course it continues

To help matzah today as our core Foundation of a spirit of course you know at the time of this hundred the anniversary event we are going to collaborate with Japan and tourism organization and of course together with a Toyota we’re going to have this themed exhibition titled Japan

Endless Discovery we are going to show Toyota and matsuda’s efforts for the carbonization we have panel exhibition to the regard for decarbonization of course we need to work together starting with what we can do and then leave no one behind and we also like to show the culture of Japan

To stimulate an inbound a tourists to join Japan of course if you want the venue please take a look at the exhibition of course at the time of 100th anniversary event a month and all of the winners from the history is displayed in the museum of course the

Monster.787b is one of them and as a demonstration run marchada 787b we will join a Toyota Championship cause to go around the circuit and of course the Roar of the angels as it was called the rotary sound is very special so please do enjoy it’s a this Spirit of

Tireless efforts of challenge is quite important to monster with that in mind we’ll continue to support endurance race super endurance race and to help realize carbon neutrality of course at this point in time once again congratulations chairman fion on your 100th anniversary and I wish for your further Prosperity

Thank you thank you very much for that comment Mr Morrow this role of the Angels the rotary engine sound is so exciting that we have this opportunity and of course uh you know some of the economic reporters are thinking what is rotary engine the normal engine is piston type but the

Rotary engine has this rotor core which is uh kind of like a rice ball shape I would say it’s it’s kind of a round cornered triangle shape What is the characteristic well it’s light and small and it’s high power and in terms of the fuel it could be fueled by any sources

And the sound is different it’s a yes it has a very typical unique characteristic sound I mean when you hear it at the circuit when you hear it you know even at a hotel away from the circuit you can hear it so we are looking forward to

Hearing that sound well the next speaker is going to the present of TMC this is Sato speaking from turtles so I mean so I’d like to thank thank you I think you have around 22 kilometers this morning uh right after arriving so your endurance is very high Mr fiance

And thank you very much uh for uh traveling very far uh to come to here and I’d like to congratulate 100 Centennial the 100th anniversary of blue man so super super thank you and the man so it’s about 24 hours race so yes very rigid tough race and that’s what we

Uh together so for Otto manufacturers like us I mean it’s a very important venue for honing our cause and our people and we are continuing to grow through the races and uh we can join forces to create future for us and so in that sense this is a very important venue of challenge

24 hours both races we would like to thank the host of these two races for offering the opportunity to grow and really home ourselves and so we have to here part organization with the shared goal Le Mans are super thank you uh to all the stakeholders present here let’s join

Hands together as friends partners and I would like to ask a support for lumans and super thank you so for Toyota so I mean within the 100 years 100 Year history of Le Mans uh we have uh first entered the race since 1985. we have tried many different challenges and it’s

A very tough race and it is allowed to hone our people and our car from 2012 uh we have began racing with our hybrid so uh and the races contributed to downsizing the hybrid unit early stage I mean we have been endeavoring uh for carbon neutrality uh we have been honing many different

Technologies for achieving carbon neutrality lower emission in 2016 myself uh so yeah and after so I experienced that treasury tragedy tragedy after 23 hours of 57 seconds and uh so uh now in 2017 we entered three of course but we still were not able to win championship

So it was I mean we have learned how difficult it is to gain championship in demands I I mean I have really fresh memory from that time so that experience has allowed me to continue I was the Endeavor the challenges we have many friends Partners last year this year Mr Comey

So we have a very good team management structure in place now I mean we are ready to make yet another round of challenge we are going to really I mean uh we would like to celebrate our 100th anniversary it was all our friends thank you very much Mr Sato [Applause]

The floor is yours as a map well everyone thank you for being here I am of sto and I would like to also congratulate uh chairman fion for the 100th anniversary of course do you know our race you know basically is a venue where amateur can fully enjoy Motorsports but

When it comes to this endurance nature of race it is a very good uh kind of a cultivating ground to develop technology and from last year we have a newly placed this sdq class now we have five oems six cars joining in this class this year and of course in terms of our

Effort we are to support the development of Motor Vehicles and to support the races and of course we need to try things new as challenges and of course this is the fifth year sorry sixth year for Fuji of course so we have a long way

To go to catch up with the you know legendary history and Heritage of the month but we would like to do our Atmos efforts to make sure that we contribute to the future of Motorsports once again Jim congratulations thank you very much Miss kuayama for your speech and of

Course as you have just mentioned this uh super endurance sdq class is gathering new oems to join in of course as for Toyota hydrogen engine Corolla has joined in from last year in March from Suzuka we’ve tried carbon neutral cars and of course biomass ukraina

Fuel is used by Martina do you feel more on the excitement oh yes I do feel the excitement the members are you know growing the team has become bigger and of course the speed is higher and the endurance level is enhanced so there is a certainly excitement there of course um you know

Enjoying the man go for the March that’s what Amazon said what did you feel we are very proud of our history and our heritage and as you know we have planned many fiction celebration of the past 100 years but we are also looking forward to

The next 100 years and I must admit that one car on the Fuji grid has written my attention the rookie gr Cola H2 concept and I want to congratulations on this entry foreign as you know through our mission age 24 program we have been working to bring

Hydrogen to the racing world since uh 2018 and we aim to introduce hydrogen class at the 24 hours of lemon since mission h24 was launched the hydrogen ecosystem as elbow has evolved enormously the fuel cell was initially chosen for its potential which is still relevant but today the hydrogen internal

Combustion engine is also presented as a possibility the 24 hours of little more regulations have always advocated freedom and variety as such I can officially announce today that both Technologies the fuel cell and the hydrogen internal combustion engine will be accepted and authorized for manufacturers we seem to enter the 24th

Of lemon in the hydrogen class foreign additional options of hydrogen engine and now uh in uh the hydrogen class yes we introduced in in 26 you will be able to run in Lemo and to in the top category with a fuel cell s so I was very surprised this is a very

Big news so we can start with the hydrogen engine from 2026. so I mean we have rookie racing I mean already I mean engaged with hydrogen engine so I know that this is not a place for your announcement but uh do you have intention of going to the months I was a

Hydrogen engine sorry for the question out of the blue wow I should be answering that question is positive about a hydrogen as an energy from very early stages had very practical a realistic effort and we have learned a lot from ACO and in the previous a communication we

Have I mean we have talked about how we have been engaging ourselves in the hydrogen hydrogen engine and uh we have I mean uh the attractiveness of hydrogen engine and we do have some challenges with hydrogen engine and it’s not just today I mean uh sun has I mean through

Genji gambits uh really understood the hydrogen that’s an energy very well and thank you very much for the announcement today I mean it is a very big motivation and significance for us Toyota Motor Corporation and I am very positive about this opportunity definitive specific statement but uh I

Would most likely in the near future I hope I can make a very big announcement with a smile on my face I’m a bit worried my smile I was a bit of a worrying uh expression so thank you for answering the question [Applause] if you have a question please raise your

Hand and if you’re appointed then please state your name and your organization and then towards whom you want to address the question so those who are ready to ask a question this is a car watch tanikawa speaking I have a question for chairman peon when

It comes to age 24 project I think every year you have a different event and when it comes to the 100th anniversary what is the project that you are planning to do and of course we will see in just a few weeks time but if you could please

Reveal some of the plans as much as possible and I have another question for president Sato you have talked about you know your future Vision in 2026 are you going to use compressed hydrogen or there are different technologies that you could possibly use what is a vision or feel that you have

Right now yes for for Mission age 24 this year the car will be in Le Mans but not running in road to Lemon so the support race in the Mumbai the car will have a lap just before the the start of the race and uh we will make some announcement during

The press conference in Le Mans on Friday morning before before the the rest about what will be the program from for 23 24 and 25. foreign well um for the question um I don’t want to see I don’t want this to be seen as kind of a pre-arranged

Question the search is not the case but speaking of uh Fuji 24-hour race it’s the very first time in the world that we use Liquid hydrogen driven cars uh joining this race and using liquid hydrogen to fight in a race is something that we will see for the very first time in

Front of our own eyes and of course we have to see what the result and outcome would be and then think about uh you know what to do in the future but speaking of what we have done in terms of development I think a high pressure

Type hydrogen could be more of a you know more like the option but that’s something that we need to analyze and decide upon well thank you very much for that question the next question please so earlier you said you are very much focused on hydrogen engine Corolla so

Hydrogen has filled a racing car it’s actually racing I’m not quite sure whether you have actually seen the car yet but uh so what is your impression what your emotion uh the hydrogen engine car driving and a motorcycle so Lottery engine I think you had been doing all on Dr hydrogen a

Rotary so now what is your feeling after hearing about the announcement for 2026 is there any inspiration um I will see the car after I don’t see the car now but I’m very impressed by uh by this car and you know hydrogen for me is a very interesting

Solution for the future this is a zero emission CO2 and we have to move for Mobility to zero emission this is very important for for the planet and for our children uh as you know battery electric is not very adapted for endurance hydrogen is very adapted you can refuel in a short time

And autonomy is very interesting so is the reason why we choose hydrogen in in for Androids and I’m very exciting with with this technology but I’m very I look forward to seeing the Corolla with the liquid hydrogen because this is another step in in the technology and it’s very interesting evil technology

Well you’ll be able to take a look at this liquid hydrogen Corolla today well thank you very much for that question of course I’m looking at the number 555 that’s your allotted numbers media representative so I was thinking uh maybe um this question will be uh one

Of the questions addressed by the Media Group and indeed of course and man has been on the very Forefront of innovation technology development and whatnot and of course chairman has talked about not only the uh the the legendary 100 years but also 100 years going forward as well

And of course this internal combustion technology to be in the vision of The Next Century is something to be pleased about and of course in rotary engine we’ve tried different uh materials as a source of um you know drive and now you know we hydrogen has been

Accepted by the month we will take a look at it as a another possibility going forward well thank you very much for your comment uh and the next question goes to know this is um TBS thank you for the opportunity to ask a question I have a

Question for president Sato now at this time in the month this internal combustion engine uh the potential is going to be looked at looking at EU I think the same trend is starting to be uh you know under light of course what is your vision for the future of this internal combustion type

Engine future and the other is with regard to this hydrogen technology you’ve been using this endurance race as a venue to further develop your technology and perhaps in that light looking back the previous two years or so you know what are some of the learnings and achievements and then from

A kind of ordinary people’s use it’s a hydrogen approaching the of gasoline kind of as a presence what is your take well I think there are basically two questions there one is with regard to the Future and the potential of a combustion engine and of course Jama uh

At the venue of G7 in Hiroshima I had talked about this issue when it comes to carbon neutrality Japan has its own path of a strategy and there are different you know efforts and one of which is internal combustion engine but of course we need to have a variety of options

We shouldn’t just limit to one or you know a couple when it comes to internal combustion engine it has its own issues to be overcome so it’s not going to be just the one kind of a a golden answer to solve every problem but this uh SQ sdq class

Um newly set forth and of course in a different oems making efforts of course the monster as well because we don’t have the uh you know sufficient solution just yet we are trying and when it comes to this endurance race it is the very ultimate venue where uh technology the engineers

And the you know kind of a developing engineering mind uh can be fostered and you know we can train ourselves and we can create the future by that and that challenge itself is what is very important and it’s very worthy to look into several things of course

Various things one of which is internal combustion and when it comes to hydrogen engine you know a few few is a liquid hydrogen and but now it’s uh gasolinated before it goes into the engine so if you compare to the high pressure gas hydrogen you know once it

Goes into the engine it’s the same that’s after but the delivery and the pump before the engine itself is now this time around first time uh liquid and then perhaps in terms of this responsiveness and the same high level with this liquid hydrogen of course we will talk about this more in detail

During the round table later on the afternoon of course we’ve done a lot of efforts uh you know coming up to today so we would like to invite everybody to see you know this challenge well thank you very much for the question anyone else oh this question

So I think we have a lady towards the news so I have a question uh tomorrow so Mazda has continuously endeavored uh on Luman and it’s uh now celebrating the 100th anniversary and you’re going to actually do a demo run a rotary engine so uh what is your I guess uh emotion or

I guess commitment to that happening and so you have been honing a totally engine technology through Luman so the man has made a very important venue so uh we are going to uh you know Implement a new technology in Luman so how do you see lumens as uh I guess the testing ground

Of new technology and so what is your future Vision in that context so earlier I have mentioned LeMans yes I mean I’m very generous on a diversified range of Technologies that’s why they have received a rotary engine and that’s why we are able to I mean Endeavor in 20 years our challenge as

All other different OEM and rotary engine has become I guess that’s the symbol uh so it’s a very special occasion and a special venue and we don’t give up easily so in the future we will be involving ourselves to romance and today and I would like someday uh race

With a massive car insulted in new months and I mean it’s not the car from the past I mean we want uh to yes engage our future uh vehicle in Le Mans and we want to I mean bring energy to Super Thai kill so that would be our first step for

Doing that thank you very much for the question Well I’m being sensitive about the time maybe one or two more questions will be possible newspaper I have two questions for president Sato first uh you know at TMC um you know in terms of the use of hydrogen there’s fcv as well but you’re going to try this so they could hydrogen

For the first time in race this time around so what are your um you know reasons for this choice and of course when it comes to liquid hydrogen being tried the first time you talked about the importance of uh you know Motorsports to be a fostering ground of

Technology how far do you think you’ve come in terms of the use of hydrogen uh in doing cells well thank you very much for the question the details will be deferred until the afternoon Round Table session um but uh in the meantime well at that time we’ll talk about the

Concrete progress on a part of us in terms of liquid hydrogen technology development so please join uh Roundtable then but when it comes to uh uh fcv you know fuel cell you know in terms of the uh kind of optimization Point uh there are different characteristics and you have

To take a look at what is more suitable and when you think about the internal combustion looking at the uh you know existing uh design you can make use of the existing design of vehicles uh when it comes to internal combustion so you know when you think

About the rows which are on the road uh the cars which are on the road which continue um to be on the road for some time you know some some other possibilities you know we’ll call for certain technology and you know whether it’s engine fuel

Cell uh it’s just a means uh of uh moving cars uh I think at the very bottom of it going across uh all types of uh um you know or the engine uh internal combustion or um you know fuel cell uh it’s the hydrogen that goes all

Across uh in other words you know producing transporting and using uh there needs to be a strong leverage uh making use of hydrogen that is the key point for the it’s not so much of the question of engine or FC but it is the very bottom line Baseline use of

Hydrogen and that is our Target and that’s why we want to continue to focus upon and then when it comes to uh hydrogen and especially liquid hydrogen we have talked about maybe 50 or 60 in terms of progress but there is you know different issues to be resolved um you know with the

Producing of it or whatnot but breakthrough of Technology always comes after a lot of effort at this point in time I’m not ready to talk about any a particular time frame for a mass production but I am sure that there will be you know a clear path for us and a

Breakthrough to it as we go forward well thank you very much for the question I apologize that not all the questions have been dealt with if there is maybe question regarding the month you have earlier mentioned that from 26 2026 also in the the the highest class

Uh you are going to allow the race car with hydrogen engine and FC uh to erase can we understand so yes I mean they would be racing at the top class uh so maybe you haven’t yet decided but could you yes reply yes thank you for the question uh

In 26 we uh we will have a hydrogen category in Lemo at the same level than the Viper car so the idea is to give the same chance to win to uh classic hypercar category and H2 with fuel cell or IC uh hydrogen so we will you know that there is a famous

Name balance of performance and of course there will be a balance of performance between all these Technologies because you know in Lemo it’s important that we can hello hold the manufacturers to test different technology it was a case since 100 years and we want to continue to do that foreign foreign

100 of the top category with hydrogen category he says so that’s another one of the important announcements and thank you very much so uh peace I mean I mean talk about your commitment to the 100th anniversary of lumans well thank you I wish all the all the

People involved in the 24 hours of Fiji a great race of course in two weeks we will have the Centenary of Lemo and I hope to see you in September because the world on the world championship is coming back in September here and I would insist on the

Fact that sustainable energy is a very important for endurance and you have to know that in Fuji and it’s the case in the in Lemo of course and he holds the championship we use 100 Renewable Fuel there is no Petrol in the fuel used by the world on the Run championships subscribe foreign

And this fuel reduced by 65 percent the emission of CO2 is thank you very much and the speakers thank you very much no seat [Applause]

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