[PAINTING] Commitment to Craftsmanship: Improved Efficiency Decreases Environmental Impact

[PAINTING] Commitment to Craftsmanship: Improved Efficiency Decreases Environmental Impact

The conventional method to apply paint is through aerodynamic Force which turns the paint into fine particles to be sprayed onto the car body however the momentum from the air causes some paint particles to Ricochet off the car resulting in a coating efficiency of approximately 70 percent By comparison the new airless coating system achieves a world leading paint adhesion rate of 95 or higher by adhering the paint electrostatically To the floor at a constant temperature and humidity directing ricocheted paint to the floor where it is collected in water airless coating on the other hand causes less paint to Ricochet and can instead be collected in cardboard boxes no pumps are needed and fans are smaller leading to a reduction in CO2 emissions

This is an example of how we are continuing to improve our technology to reduce environmental impact

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