
My mother with her original Jaguar vs her current fully restored rebuilt Jaguar. (Jaguar XKE)

My mother with her original Jaguar vs her current fully restored rebuilt Jaguar. (Jaguar XKE)

by Nyancide


  1. pass-the-waffles

    What a beautiful car, they can be nearly magical, they take me back to my earlier years.

  2. NewHumbug

    Yer ma’s dope af, give her a high 5 from us on the interwebs

  3. ForsythCounty

    I can only hope to grow old so gracefully. Brava!

  4. oneplusetoipi

    I love that car. Might be the sexiest car ever.


    Your mom must have turned heads with her looks and that wonderful car.

  5. Low_Caregiver9069

    I like the new color, your mom still looks great too.

  6. delicatelysmoked

    My all-time favorite car. Beautiful. Very stylish, hip mom! Both series 2 it looks like. I know of no other car that can spontaneously start an hour conversation better than an e-type.

  7. forest_ranger96

    Damn, the old pics are such a vibe ✨️

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