Electric Vehicles

How Anti-EV FUD Spreads So Easily: A Dissection – CleanTechnica

How Anti-EV FUD Spreads So Easily: A Dissection – CleanTechnica

by tylan4life


  1. Certain_Republic_994

    My favorite new comment when someone posts a picture of $5.00 gasoline. Wow! That’s a 1/2 full charge on a Tesla in a lot of areas.

  2. This Sub is part of the problem too.

    Spreading Tesla FUD and Misinformation because of blind hatred for Elon

  3. retiredminion


    Facebook is full of nonsense. People repeat dumb bumper sticker level politics.

  4. kimi_rules

    It’s because it became political once China came out with the better products.

  5. audioman1999

    Actually EVs can help during peak events via V2G (vehicle to grid) functionality, and recharge themselves in the middle of the night when the demand is low.

    The tipping point will be when EVs become significantly cheaper than ICEVs. It will become hard to justify ICEVs from a financial standpoint.

  6. > The power company wouldn’t make any money if they had a power system capable of delivering a lot more power than people need, so it gets upgraded to make/buy and deliver more power as people demand it, and not a moment before.

    This is incorrect. The author fundamentally doesn’t understand how regulated utilities and energy markets work. If you’re going to write an article about debunking memes, you should probably make sure that it is factually accurate.

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