Electric Vehicles

93.7% of EV owners would NOT switch back to ICE [survey by Fully Charged SHOW]

93.7% of EV owners would NOT switch back to ICE [survey by Fully Charged SHOW]

by Dreaming_Blackbirds


  1. Dreaming_Blackbirds

    I’ve picked out some of my favourite findings from the June 2024 survey:

    – 8,867 Responses from BEV owners/drivers from the UK, North America, Australia, Europe & the rest of the world

    – “Out of 10, how satisfied are you with your current primary BEV (battery electric vehicle)?” On average MORE THAN 9 out of 10

    – “Would you ever switch back from BEV (battery electric vehicle) to an ICEV (internal combustion engine vehicle)?” NO 93.71%, rising to 95.82% for Tesla drivers, and 97.79% of BEV drivers in Queensland, Australia

    – “Would you recommend a BEV (battery electric vehicle) if asked?” YES 99.06%

    – “Do you have the ability to charge your BEV (battery electric vehicle’ at home?” YES 91.59%, NO 8.41%

    – “Has your switch to BEVs (battery electric vehicles) seen you switch away from a brand you historically preferred?” YES 58.80%, NO 41.20%

    – “Is the new brand now your preferred brand?” YES 54.60%, NO 45.40%

    – Biggest three positively impacted by brand conquests – Tesla 31.4%, KIA 9.1%, Hyundai 8.3% | Biggest three negatively impacted by brand conquests – Toyota -10.4%, VW -8.4%, Ford -7.9%

    – “Would you have any objection to ‘buying’ a car that is either made in China, or made by a Chinese manufacturer?” YES 19.89%, NO 80.11% with the highest objection in Europe (37.07%), and the lowest exception in Queensland, Australia (9.59%)

  2. Thanks for posting this, data is far more aligned with what I have seen during my conversations.  
    The acceptance of the FUD I’ve been seeing was eye opening and disheartening.

  3. IAmCaution

    After a year of EV ownership, I will absolutely never go back to an ICE.

  4. rexchampman

    This makes sense. Now it’s clear the McKinsey study was super biased and likely paid for by the heritage foundation or some other bs organization like the tobacco institute for health.

  5. failf0rward

    I wonder how many would choose to go from BEV to PHEV, rather than full ICE.

  6. The remaining 6.3% don’t have a charger at home

  7. Diavolo_Rosso_

    93.7% of Fully Charged Show VIEWERS Would not Switch Back to ICE. FTFY. Survey an enthusiast crowd and you’re going to get biased answers. I love my EV and won’t ever switch back, but I believe in putting information into context as well.

  8. I hate to be the wet blanket, but is it possible there’s some selection bias at work here? From what I can tell, respondents were found via the Fully Charged youtube channel, which strikes me as probably a much more enthusiastic subset of people compared to EV owners at large.

  9. peterk2000

    Personally, I could not imagine going back to stepping on the accelerator and waiting for something to happen (at my price level)

  10. >Rather than sit on our hands though, we immediately mobilised our own survey via our Fully Charged SHOW YouTube channel with no reference to the McKinsey study, and attracted 8,867 responses over just 48 hours.

    Extremely basic case of selection bias. They sampled EV enthusiasts.

  11. outisnemonymous

    Not a scientific survey, obviously, but it’s not like the debate is filled with them.

  12. Dirks_Knee

    This is the biggest “no shit” poll ever. No one’s actively choosing to go back to an ICE after driving an EV. The only people who think this is a thing are those who’ve never owned an EV.

  13. Solarsurferoaktown

    I could never give up one pedal driving.


    >Curiously though these statistics seemingly contradict a previous version of McKinsey’s own ‘***The Road Ahead for E-Mobility***‘ research from January 2020, which said “91% of EV owners would choose an EV again in their next purchase”.

    9% people wanted to switch back to ICE in 2020, which went up to 29% in 2024.

    This was expected, as the EV market went beyond tech enthusiast and city drivers, more people will ultimately face the wrath of bad charging infra.

    Also the sharp falling resale values of EVs that we now know will also play a factor in next car purchase.

    This article isn’t an expose as the publisher thinks, but instead speaks to the changing opinion about EVs among people.

  15. Midwestern_Mariner

    The absolute only reason I’d buy another ICE car is explicitly the fact that we want a minivan down the road in combination with our R1S.. Once there’s a minivan in EV form, it’s game over.

  16. Had an EV for 18 months before pulling the trigger and replacing our remaining gas burner with another EV.

  17. I’m getting really tired of these surveys. Mainly because every single day survey results are posted, the results are wildly different.

  18. Any-Ad-446

    My uncle is old school and doesn’t really adopts new technology quickly but he really like the Tesla S. I do think americans would buy a EV if it was more affordable and more ways to charge. The propaganda from fossil fuel companies saying people don’t want EV is all lies. We just need more competition in the USA for EV.

  19. For daily use BEV is great. For road trips an ICE is still convenient. I just did a 2500mile road trip through a number of national parks and when I checked ABRP each day, I wouldn’t have been able to do what I did with a BEV. There are still some huge gaps with very limited/slow charging.

  20. Deceptiveideas

    I used my parents Lexus (and it’s pretty modern, ~2021 I believe) and it was an awful experience. The acceleration is extremely slow and braking also felt less “responsive”. Speeding up to enter the interstate for example you could hear the car struggling to slowly accelerate.

    Granted this isn’t all cars but given a Lexus SUV is pretty expensive vs my Bolt EUV it’s night and day. I get spoiled but how responsive, fast, and quiet the EV is.

  21. I must be in the minority but my family and I likely won’t return to EVs once our lease is up. This is mostly because my electricity is too expensive at home in SoCal, and my preferred charging location (EA) is often down and the other locations have a 20-30 min queue to charge.

    Infrastructure needs to get better or electricity cheaper. Otherwise I don’t think the benefits of EVs outweigh the lifestyle adjustments and depreciation cost compared with hybrids.

  22. After a month of enjoying my MachE, I told my wife that if I totaled it today I would start shopping for a new one tomorrow. Still true.

  23. Chiaseedmess

    93.7% of people who are fans of an electric car show, would not switch back to ICE.

    Well, yeah.

  24. tristanxoxo1

    I love our EVs and don’t plan to ever go back. However we’re keeping our Honda just in case shit hits the fan.

  25. xwing_n_it

    I’m on my third EV and never looking back. My child is fully on board with never owning an ICE car. They drove one at the driving school and hated it.

  26. YourBeigeBastard

    It took me and my partner about 1 month of driving an EV to decide to swap out our 2nd ICE vehicle for an EV rather than driving it until it falls apart

  27. Driving my renault zoe in the Netherlands. The problem for the zoe is it’s max charging speed at 44kwh. This kinda sucks when I do 1500km trips on holidays. If I could change the car to 100-150kwh charging I see no problem anymore

  28. PayDBoardMan

    99.06% saying they’d recommend BEV is nuts without additional context. I certainly wouldn’t recommend one to someone who can’t charge at home. We just took our PHEV and BEV on a 1200 mile round trip. The cost of fast charging the BEV for the trip was literally double what we spent on gas for the PHEV.

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