
My neighbor just paid more for a car than his house

And I approve

by Op_has_add


  1. Medical_Penalty_7305

    Well. You can’t drive a house. duh.

  2. sherman40336

    My father-in-law paid $48 for his house in 81 & paid $46 for a SHO in 17

  3. Ill_Dig_9759

    You can live in a car.

    You can’t drive a house.

  4. Due_Signature_5497

    A man that has his priorities straight.

  5. Yoda2000675

    That car won’t depreciate. So as long as he maintains it, he can always get his money back in the future

  6. I’d pay more for that car than that houses too.

  7. ssdohc2020

    Those cars are not that expensive. I guess if it has the supercharged engine, it could get up there, but these are really not that sought after.

  8. B4USLIPN2

    I used to love those Tbirds, that is until I sat in one. They are tiny. I still love the looks of the car, but I’ve changed my preference to big cars.

  9. Fozalgerts

    Best sports car Ford made. Nice. Yes, I had a crappy mustang.

  10. SunsetSmokeG59

    All the power to him I drive past a trailer park on one of my back roads and you can see a 69 mustang that’s cleaner than the house no matter the time of year shit I’d live in something cheaper for nods or nfa stuff

  11. sanguinor40k

    Threads like these are always fun to watch all the urban redditors unable fathom small town or rural housing prices.

  12. King__Moonracer

    The car is now a limited print of a 70 year old work of art. Worth it.

  13. My parents did that in 1992, with a 92 Buick LeSabre.

  14. Street_Mall9536

    Good for him..

    Can’t take it with you. 

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