Electric Vehicles

Redwood Materials signs deal to recycle BMW’s EV batteries in the US

Redwood Materials signs deal to recycle BMW’s EV batteries in the US

by GrZ3Th


  1. Betanumerus

    But but but! If they do this all those geniuses saying batteries end up in landfills will be WRONG! The horror! The horror!

  2. BongBong420x

    It needs to be more widely known these batteries are highly recyclable.

  3. internalaudit168

    Hopefully these are for the i3s. I thought batteries lasted the life of these vehicles, which to me, is 16+ years long and that battery failure is way exaggerated at 1-2%?

    Hoping those include defective cells or packs from suppliers.

    Redwood wouldn’t be in this business if batteries last 20-50 years per some of the EV proponents here and have a very low failure rate at the cell or module levels.

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