
What is the BMW driver thinking here?

What is the BMW driver thinking here?

by HiTork


  1. OliveAffectionate626

    BMW bring more wallet. He wished he had more wallet and could afford one.

  2. Legitimate_Life_1926

    “Boy is it nice knowing my car’s brand will own their car’s brand in about 20 years”

  3. “I have four headlights, too. Basically the same.”

  4. Watch_Noob_72

    The same things a Corolla driver thinks when they’re next to a Break My Windows.

  5. halcykhan

    If I had that much money, I’d buy the Bentley Turbo R

  6. fekoffwillya

    BMW driver is wondering if he’ll be needing to give the RR owner a left when he passes him the garage all the time

  7. strapping_young_vlad

    “holy shit is that Prince Charles”

  8. PilotCar77

    “The streets of Pasadena sure are wide.”

  9. phil_parranda

    Do not use the blinkers and nobody will notice the car isn’t yours.

  10. phil_parranda

    Do not use the blinkers and nobody will notice the car isn’t yours.

  11. calrobmcc

    How much more cocaine he needs to sell to reach his final form a Rolls Royce owner.

  12. reddingw

    A secret BMW executive who had a 15-year plan to convince BMW to buy Rolls Royce. He would end up being 2 years ahead from the original target.

  13. B_Williams_4010

    *humming* “I am so great! I am so great! Everybody loves me I am so great!”

  14. kcchiefscooper

    thinking “sure is nice to have money. sitting here with the high beams on, never using turn signals..holding up traffic at a green light for no other reason than we’re assholes..”

  15. Kurtman68

    I wonder if he saw me sneaking out the back door of his house.

  16. icarus1990xx

    “I’d love to be gobblin’ on that manimal’s ham candle.”

  17. dangermouseman11

    Why does the Chauffeur look like he’s returning some videotapes?

  18. Significant_Tie_7395

    This rolls Royce was broken down here yesterday, too.

  19. SaoirseMayes

    That sure is one nice looking Lincoln Town Car

  20. Left-Package4913

    Wondering why this Lincoln pulled up next to him.

  21. Bubbly_Positive_339

    He is looking at the Rolls-Royce owner, knowing that both cars will be extremely ugly in 30 years

  22. Bubbly_Positive_339

    He is looking at the Rolls-Royce owner, knowing that both cars will be extremely ugly in 30 years

  23. Apartment_Annual

    Does this guy have his interior lights on for no reason?

  24. Big_Monkey_77

    I’ll be able to make a left from this lane, no problem.

  25. 6stringgunner

    “oh, sure, he’s comfy. Oh, yes, he has money, But when this light goes green, I will totally dominate him off the line and when we get to that first corner, I don’t have to lift, he’s gonna be all over that brake pedal…….”

  26. Mafiodaproducer

    “..Then I’ll be on fries, then the grill. A year or two, I make assistant manger, and THAT’S when the big bucks start rolling in..”

  27. Fit-Fisherman-3435

    He’s probably thinking “why is Mr. Moneybags so close to me ?”

  28. WrongnessMaximus2-0

    Why is that guy driving himself?

  29. Dust-Explosion

    How is a mannequin driving a Rolls Royce?

  30. Silent-Ad934

    “He’s dreamy. I wonder what kind of car that is?”

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