


by FortPickensFanatic


  1. Piranha1993

    Making me miss all the half finished neglected import cars of the 2000’s.

    There were some cool cars built in that time. Much of what I remember was a bunch of half finished cars people drove everyday.

    I don’t even know WTF kids are thinking these days. Guess dumb things just evolve over time.

  2. tuberlord

    That guy drives past my house 3 or 4 times a day.

  3. Biscuits4u2

    Don’t these come standard with a FJB sticker? Must’ve fallen off.

  4. HystericalSail

    Look, if I go around asking people if they want to see the world’s smallest penis I will keep getting arrested. This, OTOH? 100% legal.

  5. robbycough

    The bigliest, bestest, most perfect exhaust EVER.

  6. Coochie_Officer

    He still probably thinks it could be louder

  7. Basker_wolf

    When a fart can from AutoZone just a won’t suffice.

  8. oilfeather

    Super glue some mannequin hands on both sides of the exhaust.

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