
Lexus Next Chapter Film Masters Challenge | Meet Morgana McKenzie

Lexus Next Chapter Film Masters Challenge | Meet Morgana McKenzie

Just as the precision of our Lexus vehicles reflects meticulous attention to detail, so does the art of filmmaking, where each frame is carefully crafted to perfection.

At Lexus, we push to inspire as much as we aspire. With this in mind, we provided Morgana with the platform to showcase her talent and creativity. The brief? 6 hours, on a closed set, with a given vehicle, plus equipment and mentors to succeed, to shoot a 2-minute film that demonstrates her interpretation of the Lexus Driving Signature.

Morgana is a Toronto-based cinematographer who is known for exploring dark, narrative subjects and vérité documentaries. Her self-directed and lensed works have garnered her many awards and international recognition.

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